What went so right and then subsequently went so wrong?
What went so right and then subsequently went so wrong?
There's only so many times you can retell S1's wacky hijinks in different settings
Seasons 1-3
Nothing, they're all fantastic you churl.
Season 3 sucked salty balls you cunt
Season three was unapologetically dog shit
Season 3 was a masterstroke that confuses brainlets.
s1 - great
s2 - trash
s3 - didn't watch
when season 2 tried to pull some UFO shit and then the best character (was it culkin?) died in episode one I could not be bothered to carry on
season 1 was like no bullshit distilled fun thriller
also I knew the wife died of cancer and the sheriff survives and the other characters meant nothing to me so no tenseness
VM Varga singlehandedly saved S3. One of the most unique villains I’ve ever watched.
Are different seasons even connected in any way? Like besides, i suppose, they're all set in same "universe"... However s1 is outstanding and i think the rest is just follow up of success, but since they dont even have recurring characters what's the point? After s1 finale i was pretty hyped, thought there will be some sort of backstory of characters or whatever, but they are mess.
t. brainlet
(to clarify i just watched s2 but not finished it and dropped s3 right after)
Fargo was always a shit show, no pun intended. Doesn’t hold a candle to the film.
season 2 had the woman cop as a kid and her dad the sherrif
Ewan mcgregor ruined S3
the "UFO shit" was fun and i'm sorry it filtered the autists who started spazzing out about it
no bun indendedd :DDD
fuck off loser
well yeah, now when you mentioned it i actually remembered that lol but this a bit too deep backstory for me... probably there was some others too i forgot, since it has so little to do with s1 events, it's just like small reference.
What did it mean in season two when the black guy returned to Kansas City and now had an office? So after all that shit, your best use for him was working in a cubicle?
I saw it as an ironic form of punishment for his crimes.
Season is by far the best what the fuck are you smoking?
s1 - ok i guess
s2 - nice
s3 - what?
Season 2**
this but unironically
>Ray Wise as a jewish angel
Yeah, I'd say season 3 was a filter.
Agreed. Season 2 is where the show found it's legs after the fine but familiar first season. Overall one of the best dramas on tv and one of the best crime shows ever made. This thread is hilarious.
Season 1: Kino
Season 3: Pretty decent, weird ending
Season 2: I watched episode 1 and then destroyed my hard-drive, what a crock of shit. Literally the same set-up as the other two but the main character was annoying and was unrealistic. Couldn't be fucked.
First season is good but it's clearly the weakest of the three so far. I mean, I get why people might prefer it. Its the most tonally the most similar to the film. But you can't really trust the taste of those people
s1 was the only good season
Yeah, the whole season shows Milligan aspiring to be a renegade. He feels looked down upon by the organization as a black man, and feels his skills are nor properly valued. This is shown in his dealings with both his dealings with his superiors and his usurpation of The Undertaker and his thugs, as well as his ruminations to Simone and the Kitchen bros. Due in part to his skills as an operator, but much more to a range of coincidences out of his control he is able to defeat the Gerhardts and seize control of the region, proving his worth to himself (which is really what all his posturing was about anyway). However, upon what he considers to be his Triumph of a return to Kansas City, he is disabused of his notion of being 'special' by Arkin's character ('this isn't the Wild West' speech). They didn't care particularly that he was black, or about his style or bombastic personality. All of his trials and scheming are worth less than some mook in California who reorganized the mailroom. So, instead of being recognized as the career criminal and mastermind that he wants to be, he is relegated to a small room (with an electronic typewriter no less) because 'that's where the real money is'. He's maybe my favorite character on the whole show and imo his ending is perfect.
I never finished season 1 but billy bob was great in it. The main reason I watched it.
>s1 was the only good season
This is what I'm talking about. Just go watch the movie, dude. The show isn't for you.