The Sopranos

Almost done with Season 4. This show is put kino. How come I never see it discussed? What's Janice's endgame?

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mussolini was hitler's bitch

>How come I never see it discussed?
You're joking

>How come I never see it discussed?

Because you need to lurk moar, newfag ass bitch.

Janice is, and always was, a selfish bitch.

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When she was trying to steal the house, I was hoping Tony would punch her.

All the women in the show except the therapist are absolutely insufferable melodramatic spoiled bitches.

>What's Janice's endgame?
manipulate herself into a comfortable lifestyle

Meadow did nothing wrong & became an successful functioning adult

Hey T...

>another thread made by a zoomer discussing a show that they haven't even finished watching

how short is your attention span exactly?

Everyone, literally everyone on the show was a cunt. Name one character who wasn't - I'm not being hyperbolic, I am actually wracking my brain to find one decent individual in the show. Closest I'm getting is the black cop who gave Tony a ticket in like season 3 and the psychiatrist who tells Carm to take the children and run but even they are kind of cunts.

Oh wait I found one, the black doctor in Irregular Around the Margins who tells Christoffah that Adrianna was probably not sucking Tony off when they crashed. He wasn't really a cunt, just overworked and irritated.

How about Ginny Sac tho?

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I repeat, Meadow did nothing wrong, literally the perfect daughter


Tony kills Christopher

Meadow's only faults were being a normal teenage girl and having fits of bitchiness here and there.

and getting BLACKED but she learned her lesson at least

lol although it came out a decade and a half ago you're still a faggot.

Imagine posting spoilers to ruin the fun for somebody else and thinking that's funny

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She is on track to be a mob lawyer at the end of the show.

>rapes the hottest woman in the show


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If that's being a normal teenage girl, I don't want one. She was so incredibly disrespectful and dishonest.

Out of loylety to her father

How was Paulie making money? He was always lazy and had no skimming going on.

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Jamal Ginsburg the Hacidic Homie over here

Raising kids is hard, my dude. There is a period of rebellion that is to be expected and pushed through as part of the child leaving home and becoming their own self-contained unit separate from their parents. Obviously there's a lot more to having kids than just that, and most of it is candy :) Kids are the best


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Janice actually has the most character development in the show.

>ran his own crew
>constantly bullying money out of people
>going around Tony to get extra - the rowing kid was just an example that we saw
>good at collections

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>doesn't make money
>can't kick up 30% of $0
Smart move desu.

>never see it discussed
lmao what

Paulie was also the only bachelor of the crew. Truly based and redpilled.