Will you guys miss them?
Will you guys miss them?
The only thing I liked was sometimes they handed out mini-posters that were perfect framing size. But they don't do that anymore so they can burn to the ground for all I care.
not really. why spend money to suffer real life obnoxious people when you can watch fake obnoxious people for free at home.
I was toying with idea of getting one of those monthly cards where you can see unlimited movies but not enough good movies came out. Not even silly ones I'd take my kid to. Hopefully this somehow improves Hollywood's quality but who knows. Think they'll cut down on the woke shit since times aren't so good anymore? Or will they double down?
I cant sit through a movie without needing to have a smoke so I can no longer enjoy them sadly.
All theaters within 25 miles of my house are AMC. I'm basically never going to the movies again.
I'll drive the 25 miles to see the upcoming Dune movie at least. Nothing else.
At this point they're going to keep doubling down until they go bankrupt.
Why would I miss them?
Someone will probably buy them up (or at least the theaters) once everything is done.
Honestly, AMC was kind of garbage. All the theaters I went to with them either had a shit concession stand, bad seats, theaters runned down, and barely cleaned (and it was multiple ones across multiple states).
>dont do that anymore
I got a poster for Joker at amc
They are owned by the Chinese Wanda group. Good riddance. Fuck China
Lucky bitch. My theater must have sold out.
i think its honestly a lottery of your theatre has one. I got the joker poster seeing it at the very earliest screening i could at AMC.
But, i also watched the Sonic movie at AMC, the earliest day i could (thursday) but it wasnt the very earliest screening, and i didnt get a poster.
I think only random amc theatres get selected to give poster for a random new movie
haven't been to the movies in over 4 years so no.
Based, this virus was worth it.
Never had an AMC theater locally, so nothing changes if AMC is gone.
Are you guys 12-13 years old? I've never, ever met an adult who gave a fuck about movie posters. I do however remember it being a trend amongst 12-13 year olds.
Recompense for the Walking Dead
>10 bucks for a ticket
>10 bucks for a drink
>10 bucks for popcorn
>feet stuck to the floor
>niggers and spics hooting and kicking your chair
>some degen vaping next to you
So for the thirty or so dollars per movie and having to suffer being around retards I could subscribe to multiple streaming services and get unlimited media.
Movie theaters need to die because they deliver very little value at a very high price point.
I like movies and I also like free shit. Fuck off.
Yeah, I don't remember the last time I went to one, now showcase is where it's at
That or the lazy employees dont put them out.
I won.
Now that the span between a movie going to theaters and going to stream/disc is so short, three months or so, I rarely go to the movie theater anymore except for things worth seeing in IMAX where I have to drive 40min to a science museum up north. Niggers and price hikes ruined the movie theaters, this is just an acceleration of something already doomed.
The thing that is amazing to be about Yas Forums is that there is so little interest in home theater here. Watching kino on a laptop or tv speakers really takes away from the experience.
yeah they are children hanging movie posters in their bedroom kek
it's like 18 dollars for a ticket though
>The thing that is amazing to be about Yas Forums is that there is so little interest in home theater here.
I do though? I wish I had a room for a projector, but there is too much natural light. Next purchase is a 85"+ tv to help my screen size situation a bit (current is a 75").
It'll be chapter 11, protection from creditors not a liquidation.
The least people can do is buy those small amps with decent chipsets for like $40 and use some decent bookshelf or floor speakers. Either that or find some cool old amps on craigslist or marketplace. Even neets should be able to handle that. TVs are so insanely cheap now too, so are projectors.
That's a little much
For sure. A nice 2.1 system can make all the difference. It's just such a big part of watching a movie to me.
You don't have to go as far as that user did