What went wrong?

What went wrong?
They were super popular a few years ago.

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hila a cute

That fucker looks like the mosquitoe thing that enslaved anakins mom in episode one.

How do people not realise they're worthless Jews? They haven't had an original idea in their lives.

With joos you loose

You know she prefers white cock and only got with Ethan to preserve their Jewish heritage.

People who "listen to things in the background" are fucking cancer who are enabling these fuckers to be rich and should all be killed in Minecraft


only thing ive watched by them in years is the papa johns interview and it was awful. ethan cant shut the fuck up and immediately brought up papa's divorce. like wtf you dumbass jew

Didn't hila kill little kids?

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>Yes goy, it's okay for your gf to sell nudes online and be a whore. It's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuck.
>Me? Oh no, I have a monogamous relationship with my same race wife, and a kid.

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They're not that bad. He at least used to bring up the anti white shit and make fun of how dumb and cringe it was. Haven't seen them recently though.

>that perma thousand yard stare
there's nothing behind those dead fish eyes. her soul is vacant. you just know she would kill a baby and drink its blood in a heartbeat.

Hypocritical shitheads who slowly got exposed as such while their ability to entertain rapidly took a backseat to their coverage of various youtube dramas

Hila has aged like absolute shit you should see her now.

His genetics kicked in and he flipped the switch into MAXIMUM OVERKIKE

Ethan has one of the worst personas I've ever seen on a human being.

>I hate Belle Delphine
>Nevermind I bought her spit and will drink it when Hila isn't looking
>I hate things
>My guest doesn't want to talk about this thing.... guess I'll talk about this thing
>Hurrrdurrr Christianity and religion mirite?
>Omg I'm so lost and depressed, stop the show
>*blinks randomly*

Just say that you hate Jews asshole.


Podcasts can ruin your perception of a person. A 10 minute edited video for comedy leads Ethan to looking like a smart, chilled guy. But when you remove the filter and let people run their mouth for hours a day, sometimes multiple days a week, you get to learn what a stupid asshole they can be.

They don't even look happy anymore (probably tired from their child and dumbass dogs), but even their first few podcasts when they were sparse, they both looked as fun as when making a regular video. Now they look and sound so depressed and unfunny.

probably the worst podcast host for someone who's done over 100 of them
being one of his editors must be like being one of those retard handlers

Swallowed them whole!

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cringey israeli psyop agents.

embarasses himself atleast once every podcast he records.

Maybe gentiles should work harder instead of crying about Jews?

>dat trigger discipline
lol, what a meme

This is what happened to a lot of people with Boogie. When he started streaming and showing how much of a degenerate loser he is people started hating

hello autist, back to twitch with you

I hate jews


God, he’s such a Jew. Screwed over based jontron. God, the fact that people like this have millions of dollars while actual creative content makers struggle to get hits on YouTube is fucked

That's called real-life you shut in neet, is your only interactions with humans YouTube or podcasts on YouTube?

Hila looks like she's done with him in that leafy video. Wouldn't suprise me if Ethans name is strongly in the "Teddy Fresh" brand so she can't run off with it all.

Trigger discipline is for slave white boys to follow. True Hebrew queens do not care about those formalities, and kill unbased P*lestinian kids.

>eceleb thread
>go back to eceleb platform!

Oy vey

The rabbis will kill her if she tries to get a divorce, but she can have affairs

there's no mag in it retard

they destroyed Italy

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sub. humans.

>shameless ripoff Sam Hyde, Filthy Frank and JonTron
>When youtube didn't allowed thoses kinda of videos, abandonned his main channel to do a boring podcast
>Use his youtube "friends" to get more popular
>when he smells the smallest hint of controversy from his "friends", back stabs them without a second though
>cries about youtube being unfair with him all the time
>is one of the only few youtubes that's receives special treatment, even a viset from the CEO herself
Jews, man....

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There was some random youtuber who pulled an idubbbz style content police on them, and they got shat on badly.

Gokunaru. They took down his video, but you can find it on other platforms.

filthyfrank inspired zoomer humour

Then Ethan used his kike powers to get the video taken down

The jewish personality eventualy broke through the celebrity charm and everyone could see what a narcissistic, neurotic and backstabbing cunt the guy was.

chamber retard