ITT: kino movie posters

ITT: kino movie posters

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Not being funny but I'd love to punch the guy who made this

Not being funny but I'd love to punch the guy who posted this

Not being funny but I'd love to punch the faggot who replied to this

Not being funny but I'd love to go back in time and punch you're mother's in the uterus.


Nobody loves you

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what is a good online source to buy kino movie posters that isn't Mondo?

It honestly seems like they have a choke hold on anything that's worth while and they almost immediately sell out on anything tasteful or cool and then you find them on ebay selling for triple the price.

Nice 2017 meme

what are you some kind of historian faggot
do you have a mental catalog of when people were allowed to post a joke

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looks like the kind of meme poster that's taylor-made for reddit

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>he thinks this is good

Why does this make me irrationally angry?

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What a gay thread, holy shit.

Thinking of hanging this on my wall. What does Yas Forums think?

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I loved this poster when I first saw it, but after seeing it a thousand times on Yas Forums I've realized it's overrated.

Because without even looking you know the subreddit (that this is probably the top post of all time for) is just 1,000 variations on this theme. Minimalist silhouettes that makes everything look like a Hitchcock movie or maybe a still from the opening sequence of Catch Me If You Can.
Forget half the movies are sold to audiences on visuals, and that many others are sold on the recognition of it’s stars. Forget that this style tells you absolutely nothing about the movie.
A black silhouette on a blue background for Avatar would get 1000000 upvotes. That’s not so bad if it’s one or two films, but I’m guess there’s a hundred fan posters just like this.

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Yeah das it mang. I love this poster so fucking much.

maybe if it had anything whatsoever to do with the movie. Clever idea but it is very superficial.


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Nice 2018 meme

literally entered this thread to post this poster

imagine taking a big gulp from that bottle

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