Best title drops

best title drops

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This place is fucking Reddit now


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Cringe af. Goddamit this is hard to watch

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Oy vey, how anti-semitic.

Well, that dwarves are supposed to be jews, so it fits.

I actually laugh out loud at this dumb shit.

Golden Lion.

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>Cringe af


These threads used to be common years ago. Are you sure you're not the redditor here?

>Finally truly, True Detective
wanna know how I know you're new?

actually lol'd

>I guess the real game of thrones were the friends we made along the way

made me leave the theatre

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>I have become...a nigg- ehm i mean, Spider-Man 3 directed by Sam Raimi

what did he mean by this?

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Truly, they were, an Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I love this website.

At least all three of the LOTR films has a title drop in each specific scene

These are all fakes.

get a loads of this /reddit/ cam

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t. election tourist who doesn't know SHIT about this board's culture

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Nothing gets past you huh