Roman soldiers actually look like soldiers and not like pussies on cuirasses

>roman soldiers actually look like soldiers and not like pussies on cuirasses
>using latin and hebrew on the whole movie
>horror spikes during the whole movie representing Satan
>redpills everywhere, even Jesus thinks hes being mocked by god

How did Mel Gibson get away with it and dropped this kino?

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I think we can all agree The Last Temptation of Christ was much better

such a pleb opinion I think everyone that reads your post actually becomes slightly more retarded

>How did Mel Gibson get away with it and dropped this kino?

Guaranteed support from a huge demographic in the United States, his movie put a lot of asses in seats.
Oh and by cutting the "His blood be upon us." scene, apparently that was too controversial. I guess it would've upset some Evangelical leaders.

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It's heresy and Scorsese is a luciferian faggot

>casting one of the ugliest human beings on Earth as the Son of God
No thank you.

aren't jews still proud of killing jesus? It's one of the main differentions with the other abrahamics lol.

There is nothing anti-semitic at all in that movie

The movie has more 'pills than Matrix.

Sure seems like it.

>"His blood be upon us."
That line was included just not subtitled.

>Roger Ebert gave it a 4/4 stars
it truly was a different time

idk I like jesus christ superstar better

>leather armor

Are we still getting the sequel?

Jim Caviezel said in March that it still coming and the script was almost ready

>How did Mel Gibson get away with it and dropped this kino?
He didn't. He got banned from Hollywood and was attacked from all sides. His movie Apocalypto could've being a bigger hit if wasn't for Hollywood trying to screw him over and over.

>grandma was kicked out of lutheran church for playing Ave Maria on the church organ
I fucking hate schismatists

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they're heretics, not schismatics. Heretics deserve immolation.

Apocalypto is a severely underrated film. Great OST too.

Why would you even bother to claim a religion if you just ignore its' tenements?

there's nothing wrong with the jews being proud of killing jesus. the only ones who are wrong are the papist cucks who forgive them.

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its only popular because low iq people all enjoy shitty torture porn but since its about MUH CHEESUS they dont feel bad about enjoying it in this istance

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Blessed and christpilled. Mel’s passion play is a gruesome spectacle for peasants who like gore. It was the same during the middle ages. The festivals of the cruxificion today where people savage themselves are all done to appease the poorest and least educated. It’s virtually pagan.


Praising the look of the Romans in this film?

get a clue moron.

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Only an American would even consider making a movie that mainly consists of torture about a guy who told people to love one another

The Passion of Christ is the absolute core of Christianity, you delusion mong.

why would you not forgive Jews? That was literally the purpose of Jesus being on Earth.

unnecessarily violent? I agree.

Actually, the exact opposite. How are you actually so brainlet that you don't even understand a religion as simple as Christianity?

Mel taking his subject completely seriously without a hint of doubt/skepticism in his story and also a commitment to grit in general in his movies
I think last temptation is a more interesting film, but visually it's nowhere near as good, nor is it as emotionally affecting

they're larpers user.

I really like them both user

>they actually look like drunken Britons
Every fucking time.

Based louis

It gets mogged pretty bad by the Last Temptation

what sort of liberal middle school bullshit take is this?
jesus came to earth to tell the jews to stop acting like jews and start acting like human beings. and instead of listening to the son of god they fucking killed him. therefore the jews are forced to walk the earth in eternity as god's punishment. only papists go the weak forgiving slave way. protestants and orthodox christians hate jews (like they should) for killing their savior