The Descent

Haha do you think they did anything lewd with the girls bodies before they ate them haha? Also what did the ending mean? I've heard people saying it doesn't have a happy ending but she escaped, the ending was just another spooky ptsd vision wasnt it

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obligatory self bump so people actually see the thread

Maybe I saw an alternate ending but I remember the Woman survivor not getting out of the cave but hallucinating seeing her dead daughter while lighting a birthday cake.

You watched the shitty american edit, in the original she doesn't escape. Don't remember which one is considered canon in the sequel, but I also don't want to watch the sequel again.

are you a moron.? they all died in the end. that was pretty clearly displayed

Ok, so theres 2 different versions apparently, I watched the one on amazon, in that one she escaped by leaving her friend behind, gets in her car and drives for a while, turns and sees her kid, screams, and it cuts to black.

she escaped is canon. The sequel is retarded anyway.

Either way this movie was pretty mediocre, the monsters were neat when they were actually being monsters, like the first time they kill someone, but the writers couldnt seem to decide if they wanted them to be individually threatening or mindless mooks that can be beaten by anyone with an ice axe. The way they constantly tried to raise the stakes by going "OH NO THERES A BUNCH OF THEM NOW" was lazy as hell.

Juno was the best girl

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>no madam, I actually killed her by accident, I thought she was one of those cave crawly fellas
Would that really have been so hard? I get that she didnt think she would believe her but she could have at least tried instead of just accepting her death like a guilty person

>watching the amerilard version
there's no hope for Yas Forums

I watched the version that was free with amazon prime, how was i supposed to know it was a gimped version?

Thats the recut version made for Americans

Friendly reminder you can't prove this shit doesn't exist in some cave somewhere.

does this movie have anything to do with the book with the same title?

Just looked up the other ending, its even worse. Its literally the same thing with a 5 second "IT WAS ALL A DREAM" twist at the end. I get not wanting a happy ending but this is just lazy

Juno had an affair with Sarah's husband before he died


She's suicidal at that point.

Watch it again, and pay attention to the way they look at each other

>watch it again
No. The only upside to this was jerking it to the girls deaths and I can just look those up on youtube.

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That movie was fucking garbage.

Should have been just one, the girls go crazy trying to escape and betray each other falling easy prey for it. Then when there is only 2 girls, they manage to kill it only two find out there is a whole family of them. Main girl gets revenge on that other girl, leaving her to die to the other creatures still alive and escapes.

Basically, make it more Alien and not Aliens.

The sequel is so fucking insulting it hurts

The one I watched ends with her imagining/dreaming that she escaped, but in the very last scene she's still in the cave.

UK version is obviously superior. Best horror film of the 00s

Babe alert

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That's the better ending. The ending where she escapes is canon now, thanks to the mutts wanting a sequel

The sequel was a cash-in that "fixes" the mandated ending by making everyone die anyway. Might as well just stick to the original.

Unironically lovecraftian

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>Yas Forums is obsessed with the obese again


Honestly, I agree. People were hyping the hell out of this movie after it came out so I watched it and ended up thinking, "that's it?". It wasn't terrible but it wasn't all that great either, I think we were just in a horror drought when it was released so people gave it more credit than it was due.

So youre saying the monsters in the cave were niggers?