>movie starts with credits
Movie starts with credits
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hfw she sees a nigger
Make sure to check your spam box!
>movie doesn't have a title card
>movie starts without credits
>movie's credits are plain white on black
>important movie scene happens after 5 minutes of end credits
This is the worst
>movie begins with no credits, then after 5 minutes of kino, random title sequence
I don't mind starting credits if there is purposeful footage behind it.
>title doesn't appear in the beginning
>title appears in the middle of the credits after half the theater walks out
>main character says title in sentence
>credits start mid-movie
I honestly have a weird autistic thing for kino opening/ending credit sequences. Sometimes when listening to music imagine different credit sequences that go along to the song. I have no fucking idea why I like them this much. At all.
What was the first movie to show the credits at the end instead of the beginning?
>movie's title has a cool animation sequence
>movie ends on a down or sad beat
>credits have a "whimsical" jaunty upbeat theme
>blooper reel
>movie starts with credits that GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO
>movie starts
>movie ends
>intro is the only good part of the movie
>trailer is all the best parts of the movie
>Movie starts with speaking credits
based Hydrozagadka
>tfw movie doesn't have Brynn wearing a bikini
>movie shows feet
What's wrong with that you get to know the names of composer and cinematographer and associate their work to their names along the movie
>Those raised arches
She's gonna suffer some serious back and foot pain when she's older
I can rub her feet and make ti better
I saw that in a movie once
I want to play with Brynny's hair while watching a movie
>tv show has a 3 second intro
>credits slowly filter through one at a time for the next 5 minutes while the show is going on
why do they do this
>frauds rerelease movie after your death, removing the credits you intentionally made obnoxious to poke fun at the "sanctity of films as an art" while also doing one of the best sequences in film
>credit director gets sacked in the middle of credits because of his moose obsession
>horror movie opening credits is a collection of old newspapers
move this trope
"Filth" comes to mind.