Holy fuck tiger king is overrated

Here I am thinking "oh cool a doco series about tigers" and all i got was typical netflix-tier gossip sho.... i mean "documentary" about a bunch of rednecks arguing about money. Nothing to do with tigers.

Attached: joe-exotic-mugshot-1584703321.jpg (1831x2000, 290.15K)

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Carole Baskin is hot

she rocks the flower crowns.

you didn't know the documentary was about the industry?

Every other animal documentary on netflix focuses much more on the animals, why didn't you watch those?

This smells like OP pretending to be a retard for sake of his thread.

you think this board is above netflix tier gossip.
carole baskins did it.

The content of the doc is entertaining enough. The execution is bad

Did you not read the title, are you retarded or just illiterate?

t.carole baskin

The kino is realizing the entire show is metacommentary on how they're all trapped in misery too

What do you think of this guy?

It’s called “tiger king” it was pretty obvious before viewing that it was about the politics of roadside zoo’s.did you expect Planet Earth OP? Are you retarded?

Hes based


You didn't think a show called "Tiger KING" was about people and not tigers? Did you honestly think tigers had kings?

Trump will pardon Joe Exotic before he leaves office as a final fuck you on November 27th, 2023 screencap this post for proof.

I thought the one with the largest nutsack was the king

>another tiger king thread
Don't make me post the pic again

Would you?

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we never said it was about tigers fool. its about the tiger KING

Fuck this show

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>actually trying to derail a thread on le epic shock Yas Forums scat
yeah boys just make more twitter screencap threads, it's what mr. shit wants

>Fuck this show

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do you guys think any of the other key players will get arrested?

Would I let young Carole put a leash and collar on me? Would I do it even knowing that she was going to brutally murder me?

is there any Tiger King gore?

She's only gonna feed you to the tigers if you disobey, if you're a good boy she will treat you kindly!

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>feeds apes lasagne

yeh im think joe is based

>sells meth to get his gay cock sucked
Why the fuck would anybody watch this knowing that ahead of time

>Here I am thinking "oh cool a doco series about tigers" and all i got was typical netflix-tier gossip sho
You're retarded. Nice dubs though

nope. I think there were some still images of someone going to the hospital but they blurred everything out.

>watched first episode
>thought it was crap
>Yas Forums, reddit, colbert and john oliver were all mentioning it
>watch the rest of it
>regret it
i should just go with my gut next time.

what about the suicide?

shes crazy

Attached: thatgir.jpg (450x600, 54.87K)

happened off camera. You see a guy reacting to it.

watch netflix at dads house
>Continue watching
>Tiger King
>he only watched ten minutes before turning it off
kek, I ain't watchin that shit niggers