Whats the most shocking betrayal in cinematic history?

whats the most shocking betrayal in cinematic history?

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Who was in the wrong here?


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the cat can feel the söy oozing from the guy, hence the reaction

w-what did he mean by this

Kinos about two characters from different backgrounds becoming friends?

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>cats found a good spot
>le sóy redditor wants upboats so he pisses it off completely without reason
They probably placed the cat up there in the first place

What a cutie

Wtf was his problem?


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For me it's Bon Jovi


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Please kill yourself

Cats are for women and fags

Fuck cats


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>Hey-HEY! YOu STupiD BITCH! BE Serious!
Honestly, cats do not respect foolishness from their caretakers and they know if they're being insulted and don't like jokes at their expense. That girl definitely pissed it off earlier with some "le funny" harmless prank that put kitty on its last nerve.

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based cat

Um, cringe department? Yes I'd like to report some cringe posts.

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Hello newfriend

Based thot patrol cat
Also based kitty jumping in to protect his owner even if it means fighting his larger brother. Dog people btfo.

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Comment are turned off

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Kino, cades and dogs are meant 2 be friens.

>they know if they're being insulted and don't like jokes at their expense.
this is your brain on toxoplasmosis

why do cats attack their owners if they come near them when they're howling at another cat outside

why are these assholes like this

Another example of a cat with standards in its household:


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>Kino, cades and dogs are meant 2 be friens.

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Nice numbers and who knows maybe you're right, but I have a cat that doesn't like to be laughed at and will go into an attack mode that he needs to be talked down from if it happens.

absolute unit, he just wants to eat dog food and fuck shit up

>Cats are for women and fags

You're both a woman and a faggot which makes it strange you're so wrong.

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>When you make a friend but quickly realise he's retarded

Especially good because Shibas are also cunts

What people seem to forget is that cats are predators and they can mess you up pretty badly. They aim for areas with big arteries etc.

>why do cats attack their owners if they come near them when they're howling at another cat outside
>why are these assholes like this
Because cats are only our friends because we're bigger than them and that genetically they're almost identical to the tiger. They get carried away and forget their size.

Sssshh do you want another black plague? oh wait..

I am right. Cats lack the mental capacity to register things like insults or taunting. They pretty much only know to associate sounds with actions and be nice to the person who gives it food so it doesn't die.
Animals are stupid as fuck and humans reign supreme. I'd beat a bear in a fight with my human-made gun and human-made bear poison. Checkmate bearfags.

>when Tom gets found

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could it beat a gorrila though ? or 3 chimps?


The cat is clearly playing you humorless faggot.

What is this expression trying to convey?

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Im not anti-cat, Im just saying that cats are capable of doing serious harm


>Cats lack the mental capacity to register things like insults or taunting
LoL sure buddy. They have more in common with human brains than we have with chimp brains-fact, look it up. Cats have the capacity to feel all emotions we affix to being "human."
Actual dreaming
That's all backed up by veterinarians and regular owners alike.

O God you're here too? Fuck off already Yas Forumstard

I know and I agree.