

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 12.15.27.png (1203x501, 593.81K)

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Looks like shit desu. What a fucking waste. In the trash it goes



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that's Caladan?

Is this a new Star Wars movie?

it looks like the same Irish coastline they use in all these fantasy shows.

no orange?

Ah, the old colour filter classic.
Hallmark of a hack director if you ask me.

This is gonna be pozzed isn't it

Jesus Christ, hollywood can't do anything right...


I'm shocked by the negative reaction to a still. That never happens on this board.

here's your dune spoilers bro

wtf is this lighting

Is that the bag from American Beauty?

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love the costume design

it does if the still has Timothee Chalamont in it

lol yes Disney is mad they didn't hire him now

It's Caladan

What an incredibly original funny meme


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Who wanted this?

Looks like GoT but with spaceships.

I want to f*ck Timothée Chalamet.

Is it weird that my brain immediately assumed that they're trying to aim for the Reylo/Kylo Ren hambeast demographic? Because that's honestly the impression I'm getting with that outfit & haircut.

>makes paul a weather god
wow so kino david lunch lol

Wait until they reach Arrakis

looks Arrival-esque. but then it's just one picture

Nothing to get angry or elated about so far.

Denis my man don't do me like that

Sry nga

hello where are dunes

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Doesn't look anything like Dune. Where's the desert?

that's probably caladan you fucking idiots read the book

It's either Caladan or just a photo from his portfolio.

>To begin your study of the life of Muad'Dib, then, take care that you first place him in his time: born in the 57th year of the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV. And take the most special care that you locate Muad'Dib in his place: the planet Arrakis. Do not be deceived by the fact that he was born on Caladan and lived his first fifteen years there. Arrakis, the planet known as Dune, is forever his place.

>getting so upset by a first look still
why are you expecting Denis to blow his loads early in April for a December movie?

Well, there goes my excitement right into the god damned fucking trash!

>Literally floating CGI garbage in the sky behind him
>Pretenious composition "OH LETS JUST CUT OFF HIS LEGS"
>Edgy black cloak that would be worn by an alley rapist pedo
>Generic coastline ripped straight from a budget BBC murder mystery
>Super low effort color grading "LET'S JUST DESATURATE EVERYTHING"
>Couldn't decide between a long lens or a wide-angle so jammed the camera down wherever and took the shot

How could one single shot so completely and devastatingly trash the whole damned thing?

more like caladum

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by Calvin Klein

aesthetically i was expecting something a bit brighter and deserty

I hate that faggot twink and the movie's cast is a catastrophic shitshow.
If they cast that mutt ape Zendaya they might as well have gone full out and cast Idris Elba, Jamie Foxxx and that fat asian bitch from Star Wars while they were at it.

When they annouced that Villeneuve would direct it, I got excited. Once they announced the cast it went right down the toilet like a moist, mucus covered slippery turd.

That’s the monsters from Langoliers

His film is unironically 10/10

>How could one single shot so completely and devastatingly trash the whole damned thing?
Indeed, how could it?


makes me appreciate the Lunchian version much more now

Dune is unfilmable. Accept it and move on before you go broke.

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>Memeneuve in charge of making something original

reminder that this is Review Screw

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Pure autism: the post

I warned you all.

>tfw only know the Dune universe from a cartoon porn flash game

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I prefer the Luncheon version

>first look at Dune
>the desert planet
>big ocean or body of water

All BR2049 promo pics looked like absolute shit, yet the film ended up being one of the most visually engaging film of recent times.

I have trust.

why is there grass, is this nigga ona fucking beach?

This shit should look like Lawrence of arabia

It has/had the staying power of a taco bell meal.


ships don't read well terrible design

I always liked Lynch's Dune. No idea if it's a good adaptation but it's a damn good movie.

you warned us about your playstation joystick being deep up your ass

Actual retard

Wheres the snek?

It's Caladan you dimwits.

>Literally floating CGI garbage in the sky behind him

>Villeneuve didn't solve the problem of anti-gravity engines for the purpose of filming and decided to rely on thinking machines graphics
>didn't even take his cast and crew to shoot on an actual desert planet populated by giant worms
>didn't get his main actor hooked on time-space bending space cocaine that gives him knowledge of every future event

Truly a hack.

Wait a sec, if Chani is played by an Amerimutt unlike the book, does this mean Leto II will be some Amerimutt nigger with a 'fro?

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Why are retards who never read the book giving their opinion?

virgin pose

>by Villanuuv
>woke af
>Chani is now Chani'qua
>Liet is now Liet'isha

The memes must flow

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Someone needs a chill pill

you first

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Lynch's Dune is sufficiently creepy and captures the weird future aesthetic of the books.

This just looks anemic and that Chalamet fella is annoying to look at. He has some sort of hall monitor anti-energy going on.

no one dislikes a little Lunch

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Looks like a Kylo Ren origin story.

no, he'll look like wentworth miller

Its gonna be funny when this movies great and you all look like morons

All of this but unironically

i wonder how many Yas Forumsirgins are going to cosplay as Paul with this coat

This is the result of an autistic user thinking the sentiment is totally negative about a movie so he won't get called out if he goes on a retarded diatribe talking about shit that doesnt matter as if it's criticism.
Dont make this mistake!

>The Langoliers
>It was directed and written by Tom Holland

>movie takes place on planet Caladan and not planet Dune
How could they fuck up so hard?

what do you call this autism?

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looks like a Tears for Fears video from 1985.

Yeah, if they want to be accurate. But you don't see them adding some big lipped Amerimutt nog just cause? Miller plays all his roles as a white guy. I doubt most people even know he's an Octaroon. Sam Witwer, Sam Worthington and him are fairly often confused for the same person.

Now that Dune has officially failed for the umpteenth time, can we finally move on to real kino?

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>puts back the money in the pocket
His Jew side was too strong

bruh you're assuming this franchise will make enough money to get to adapting children of dune

Hey he still needs to pay for Orson's dinner bills