Post actors who have never been in a good film

post actors who have never been in a good film
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Why is she so perfect bros?

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Knives Out was the best film of 2019

My god she is so fucking ugly.

knock knock

War dogs, the informer, knives out.

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Nah she's cute, but she also kinda looks like a pug.

i couldnt imagine a cuter gf probably
but blade runner 2049 wasnt good then?

no, nor was it commercially successful. there are just a lot of Ryan incel memes associated with it.

God I hate incels with a passion. They do the most pathetic and transparent shit to help them cope with themselves. God I hope you'll look at yourself one day and hope that no one will ever be like you you fucking disgusting amn

Does she need to be in a good film at this point in her career? Shes nearing her mid 30s

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alone her leave, man hey

Who’s there

ana's perfect nipples

Daisyfag detected

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>nor was it commercially successful
so you're saying movie is only good because it sells like capeshits?
found the soiboy

You better not be talking about my nigga Hugo Weaving here

I wanna pug her too

Dwayne Johnson

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Wasn’t she the TAO on the last ship?

Dude it's 2020 you can just admit you're a faggot these days.

Her accent is fuckin annoying too

Okay I admit it

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Blade Runner 2049 is by far the best sci fi of this generation.

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She used to be very pretty. What we're watching now is the wall in slow motion. And she's hitting it with an alcoholic drunk driver. It's kinda fascinating to be honest.