soon new episode bros
/bcs/ - better call saul
>mfw it airs on Tuesdays at 5 am in my country
Fuckin time zones
Why didn't they cap jimmy before he got out the car?
Same. I watch it first thing in the morning though.
It's just a shame because I'd really love to be on the thread right after it's played where it's the most active.
Perhaps they were worried the bags would be secure in some way and he could tell them about it, but since they were just literally laying about, they could just ice him
Last two episodes are both ~60 minutes. Only one more week. Probably gonna be until next fall for season 6. Fuck.
My general feeling on binoculars with a ruby coated lenses is to stay well clear of them as they are simply a gimmick with no redeeming qualities.
>60 minutes of nothing happening
Epic, simply epic
corona chan will delay it
I usually rarbg this shit 5 minutes after it airs.
I'd be more concerned he is a cartel guy and knows its the end of the road for him, and so would choose to go out quick rather than get tortured to death. It's how it would happen usually in universe and probably real life.
Plus they should have known the bags weren't secured as they had contacts who saw it get packed and leave the warehouse etc.
That's an anti-reflective layer, you pleb
Justice Matters Most
Just Make Money
Either way as a lawyer he'd be making bank. It's just that he prefers to be lazy and cut corners rather than participate in the grind.
As far as I know, ruby coated lenses were first seen on Steiner binoculars who were just starting to make coatings for specific environments, such as hunting binoculars whose coatings are specifically designed to block the colours of haze and foliage, whilst at the same time enhancing the visibility of browns, reds and other wildlife colors. The idea is that this will help you spot hidden wildlife in the bush and they have developed this idea and it now works very well on the Steiner Predator Binocular range – but it must be emphasised that these binoculars have a specific purpose and are not intended as general use binoculars.
One coating developed by Steiner in the past had a ruby color. It worked acceptably, but to make it work, it partially filters some of the wavelengths of light. The Steiner version did this only a little and like their current predator series were designed for a specific use. The biggest problem was that the red coating looked cool!
Because it looked cool, many low-end binocular producers started churning out ruby coated binoculars but there was a problem: Ruby Coatings don’t really give you a very good image and some manufacturers use it to filter red to compensate for their poor-quality optics that do not properly converge the color spectrum.
By eliminating red from the spectrum, the optics first appear to do a better job of minimizing color abberations, but tf you look through a Ruby coated binocular and compare it with a “normal” coated binocular you will see that the ruby one looks a little washed out and often have an unnatural greenish cast.
The greens and blues stand out too much, the reds are faded. In the worst cases, the view can look like at a photo that has had some sun bleaching. This is because the red portion of the spectrum is being deflected by the Ruby coatings, which low-end binocular producers made with brighter and brighter red coatings that dropped more and more red light.
Gonna be mid 2022 at the earliest because of corona
I doubt it. Wu flu is a nothingburger. Things will be back to normal before they even finish writing the season.
where the fuck is the episode? I thought it was suppsoed to release like 8 hours ago?
It's on Monday now, you faggot
I'm on season 3 now. Is Mike's whole role in this show to simply wander around obscure places tinkering with strange contraptions and outsmarting Mexicans?
Also, I'm glad I have a few seasons of this to binge because watching this week to week (at least so far) would be boring as fuck since not a lot happens in many episodes.
his journey takes awhile and gets more tragic since you already know what happens to him
hes got a big episode tonight.
get him away from kim and nacho pls
I won't be able to watch it until 5am cuz of work. We'll watch it together.
Oh no...
>Bad Choice Road
>Something Unforgivable
i'm scared bros
tfw we got cucked out of an entire season of Saul x Lalo lawyer bromance in this season.
2-3 episodes were never enough, Vince!!
I really enjoyed El Camino. Skinny Pete's cuz' your my hero bro scene really got to me.
Best boy coming through
it takes way longer than 5 minutes and you know it
Season finale is going to be fucking brutal. We already saw how Jimmy copes with loss... he doubles down on being Saul. Kim's death is going to be the last straw that turns him into the seedy Saul we see in BB.
Does anyone else notice BCS uses a lot less music during tense scenes compared to BB?
It's so odd seeing these dangerous scenarios completely silent.
>best boy
second best boy at best, we all know who the actual best boy is
I never realized until I looked at his instagram that Michael is an absolute beast.
Yeah, when someone posted that scene where Mike goes full navy seal in Breaking Bad I was put off by the cheesy music
he's a manlet, but he makes it work