So how are we gonna make Hank discover Walt? Hes almost been caught so many times doing shit...

>So how are we gonna make Hank discover Walt? Hes almost been caught so many times doing shit, maybe we just should let his luck run out this time and let him be caught red handed?

>Nah lets do it this way, so Hank is having really bad food and need to take a shit real bad at Walts house and while shitting he will feel like reading a book and then find a book right behind him that Walt just happened to lay around and then read that 1 page that will remind him of that 1 page he read at home many weeks earlier and then from there he will make the connection

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but it literally resulted in one of the most kino moments in television history and I dont say that lightly, everyone who was watching the series was losing their minds in that moment

sex gifs

BB is garbage

But Walt was out then

Walt leaving the book there was stupid and I swear, people reading something when taking a dump is a movie only thing. Taking a shit only takes about a couple of seconds anyway, it’s pointless to need reading material in the bathroom when you’re going to be out quickly

BB was always really contrived

He should have won. Gus should have won. Walt is a Mary Sue.

Bro, you’re not taking American sized shits. Look at Hank. He’ll be in there grunting and pushing for a good 15 minutes.

Meme aside Hank does look like he has job related constipation problem

Why did Hank tell the Nazis that his name was Isaac Schrader when he was dying? Was he trying to protect Marie so they wouldn't know his real first name?

I write meme stories (they aren't sex fiction) and one of the things I was always told was never to have deus ex machina involved.
If your cop or MC is hotshit then he should work things out on his own even if it takes a long time. He should never find out the truth by, for example, walking into a room when the murderer is committing a murder, or by reading a book while he's taking a shit that has coincidentally been left there.
I'm not really sure if TV shows and movies should follow the same path, but it always feels like a cop out when they do it.

post it

>Taking a shit only takes about a couple of seconds anyway
KEK maybe for you incel

I've noticed really most Yas Forums posters are so retarded they get filtered by Breaking Bad

It really was a cop out, Hank ultimately finds out the truth due to incompetence by Walt instead of his own intuition even though he’s been so close to getting Heisenberg in the past.

This entire series was full of people doing stupid and unlikely shit to advance the plot. Deal with it.

Wasn’t funny the first time, isn’t funny the three-hundredth, you wanker.

But that was one of the best ways to reveal it

Walt was extremely arrogant and thought he had gotten away with everything. Hank loved his family too much to even consider thinking of Walt as a suspect.
When Walt underestimates Hank this fatal time by leaving the book out, Hank is forced to reasses the situation. The implication is that he could have always cracked the case sooner if he didn't care too much about his family (and regard Walt as being below suspicion).

all fiction is contrived you absolute mong

you don't know what the word "contrived" means you fucking retard

Yeah this is way more realistic. He is obsessed with Heisenberg and replays the bizarre facts over and over in his head. And then one unrelated thing triggers a what-if. He already knew Gale didn't fit the profile of a meth genius so he was open to the idea of an unpredictable source.

>Contrived: deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously

this but with jesse and the cigarettes

love how you skipped
>created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.
it means different things in different contexts, you gormless dork. tv shows can have natural and believable writing, BB doesn't

what about a healthy diet makes you an incel, incel?

>I swear, people reading something when taking a dump is a movie only thing. Taking a shit only takes about a couple of seconds anyway, it’s pointless to need reading material in the bathroom when you’re going to be out quickly
bro it takes me five minutes on a good day

understand what it means in the context of fiction you dumbfuck

he was stating his jewish name, in defiance of the nazis

here is the Cambridge dictionary using "contrived" in the context of fictional work
now go kill yourself you retard

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>Taking a shit only takes about a couple of seconds anyway
god I wish, I can sometimes sit there and push for 20 min

Taking a fast shit is a millenial/zoomer thing. Boomers take 45 minute + shits while reading the paper or a book. Long boomer shits are like meditation to buddhists . It's part of their culture

That's how all evil geniuses in media are caught though.
The "good guy" rarely is shown as a mastermind, and making him outsmart the genius villain would just make the bad guy lame.
It's a really shitty trope that can ruin a series (death note for example) but I think that's the only way writers know how to make the genius Mastermind to be caught.

my anus bleeds every time I take a shit now, what's going on there

Overweight middle aged men absolutely take 10 - 15 minutes taking a shit.

eat more fibre, please

Fix your diet then idiot

hemorrhoids, i would guess

hemorrhoids, ulcers, cancers, could be a lot of things really. probably hemorrhoids tho.

>Walt leaving the book there
Everytime the trail went cold, Walt kept dropping hints to Hank and even Skyler pointed out, "It's like you want to get caught". He thrived on the chase and feeling like he could stump someone who is two feet away. At that point, he felt like he could get away with anything. He wasn't overly cautious season 1 and 2 "put a pin in that" Walter anymore.

but my shits are firm, never runny. I eat bread and eggs every morning, it's just that it takes years before it actually comes out
believe me I'm trying, I just don't know the root of the problem. I eat all kinds of stuff

Absolutely not, it’s common for normalfags to spend half an hour on their cellphone while taking a shit. Sometimes the monkeys are already on the pool but you just keep yourself entertained for a while anyway