Was I supposed to sympathize with Nazi sailors?
Was I supposed to sympathize with Nazi sailors?
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they weren't nazis. in the early days of the war the nazi party didnt hand pick crew members, the crew were mostly just regular people who happened to be in the navy.
They weren’t made out as overtly Nazi, iirc the navy was the most divorced from the party of the army branches.
haha good one user!
>performed the wanton and sadistic killings the nazi command ordered them
>but they had a bad feeling while doing it
>therefore they are not bad guys
The navy was actually the branch with the least SS and political officers integrated. Generally they where their own thing.
>Nazi sailors?
as far as I remember just one crew member was in the party and had sympathy with NS ideology. The captain was quite critical of the war decisions.
was i supposed to enjoy 3.5 hours of people running up and down a submarine?
>3.5 hours
I've been told that's the best version to watch.
The opening outside the sub is the only boring part of the 3.5 hours edition.
t. woman
Couldn't you faggots just go back to twtter? no one on any side of any argument likes you.
Why the homophobia?
Boot Chug
>Couldn't you faggots just go back to twtter? no one on any side of any argument likes you.
idk about you, but the movie made me want to play a sub simulator.
>3.5 hours
it's five hours long and it's a very small submarine. Not a lot of running at all, mostly it's people listening to a soft piiing---piiing sound. Very comfy!
German sailors were rarely Nazis.
Notice how they had to have a propaganda officer on board to toe the line.
Homophobia is worse than antisemitism, you worthless fucking kike.
>Notice how they had to have a propaganda officer on board to toe the line
he was on board to make photos and write an article for propaganda purposes, not to keep them on line.
and the "rarely nazis" stuff is bullshit, they weren't really any more or less political than airmen or soldiers. it just so happened that the commander of the navy survived the war and the nuremberg trials and was given more than enough time and opportunity to create the myth of the apolitical kriegsmarine
>Notice how they had to have a propaganda officer on board to toe the line.
That was the Lothar-Günther Buchheim replacement. Buchheim was a war reporter of the navy that accompanied a German submarine during the war once and wrote a book about it a few years later. The movie is inspired by that book.
Yeah, there are lots on wanton and sadistic killings by the crew in Das Boot.
it's so crazy that this really happened
>it's so crazy that this really happened
What do you mean?
the eagle and the bear tearing apart the jews in the submarine was a weird touch but I appreciate the director for not flinching away from an accurate historical representation
Stop it with the baby talk
Not every movie aims to be enjoyable, go watch some capeshit
I only watched the 3 hour cut of the film, but I always interpreted the captain respected his enemy and was never cruel. But they were at war and they had to eliminate the British threat at all costs.
good man
absolute kino
I rewatch the embarking scene every so often
>also I'm Jewish and I still liked the movie because it's an anti-war movie which is part of the human condition and not predicated upon race religion or nationality
also I'm gay if that matters