Why are these characters not "Mary Sues"? What were their weaknesses?
Why are these characters not "Mary Sues"? What were their weaknesses?
The aliem kicks ripley's cute ass quite a few times iirrrccc desu
because they get their asses kicked
Mary Sue doesn't just mean has no weakness, although that's part of it.
Stop jizzing on your keyboard.
Ripley's weakness is her fear of the alien
their weakness is being women? what do you not understand about this?
Riokey gets fucked by the alien alot of times
Furiosa needs Max to get shit done
I haven't cum since 7 AM yesterday morning user, I probably won't cum until much later today. i keep my cock clear of my nice mechanical keyboard from taiwan even though I have another that I could replace it with, just because I like taking care of my unique and well crafted personal possessions? don't you?
They have moments of failure, regret or struggle
they are SUPPOSED to be mary sues that's the point
Ripley literally dies.
she died for our sins, like jesus aka god aka mary sue
>needs Max's help to get away after the storm
>fucks up by leading the party to a place that no longer exists
>fucks up again by leading the party into a dead seabed
>has one or two breakdowns through the movie
The entire movie is furiosa needing max's help, thats the point. Ripley is a realistically written character who realistically completely shits her pants when she encounters the alien, and needs someone to save her ass from the android. She became an action hero in aliens but aliens shit on a lot more from the first movie so its not as big of a deal.
Good to know.
Ripley is running for her life 90% of the time in these movies.
Furiosa is just a chick whos good at driving and shooting, i dont get why you would call her a mary sue when she has to count on the rest of the characters throughout the entire movie.
Their skills and abilities are well within the believable bounds of what they should be capable of given their backgrounds, histories and positions.
Out the gate?
Left: gets killed by aliens. Right: His name's in the title.
Simply put, these movies convince us they're really doing what they're doing. It's not so much about weaknesses. It's about a good script that doesn't take logical leaps or contrivances.
Ripley gets everyone killed.
Furiosa needs a ton of help, one also gets the impression she's spent a lifetime of going along to get along and this is her attempt at redemption
Ripley is just smart, and acts like Aliens are dangerous. She doesn't have any special bullshit plot armor.
If you want to see a Mary Sue go look at what Star Wars became.
Its explained why ripley can use a power loader, she works using one.
Shes given instructions on how to use a pulse rifle. Unlike a lightsabre theres no combat training needed, its point and shoot.
So, unlike contempory women in cinema, its is explained why ripley is able to use advanced tools rather than simply picking them up and immediatly being an expert with them.
they are weak to magic
They get thrown around in quite a lot of fights.
Not only that but they also needed the help of others at times in order to get shit done/survive.
um hello, she miraculously outperforms all the elite commandos shes with, holding a flame thrower in one hand, an assault rifle in the other while also carring a kid. she then takes out a dozen xenomorphs and goes on the finish of the Queen.
amazing since in Alien she was a Warrant Officer. Bravo Cameron, bravo.
Two women who needed men to help them. Unlike modern WOKE BS where the female is a complete Mary Sue.
Aliens was shit and mad max fury road was barely acceptable. The original movies were both better, and yes I mean Mad Max not Road Warrior.
>Hudson: Where is Ripley?
>Hicks: I don't know but we can't do this without her!
>*Ripley kills 3 aliens with one bullet*
>Apone: Ripley is so much better than me at shooting Aliens I don't want to die please help me Ripley AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH
>Hicks: Ripley wait!!! There's something important I've been wanting to tell you
>Alien Queen: Ripley, I love you, let me use my xenohealing powers on you *dies*
>Xenomorph in Alien:
unstoppable killing machine, incredibly tough, fast, smart.
>Xenomorph in Aliens:
pew pew - two bullets its dead.
They just had a flamethrower in Alien, right?
their weaknesses were that they had soul
not that asshat but they also had hilariously ineffective cattleprods
all those "elite" commandos were acting like pussy retards the entire time