According to many at the time...

According to many at the time, 2006–07 was when mainstream hip-hop died because the "last of the real ones" like 50 Cent, The Game, DMX, Eminem, Jadakiss, and Lloyd Banks were exiting the building, and "fakes" like Rick Ross, Soulja Boy, Gucci Mane, Lil Wayne, Jibbs, and Yung Joc started coming in.

Attached: soulja.png (678x511, 417.22K)

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who cares fuck niggers.. also Yas Forums is that way

>bling era hip hop

Tupac was a ballet dancer. How is Eminem on the list of "real ones"?


that just marks the rise of 'ringtone rap' which allowed for more polished and catchy acts to get in on the action since microgenres weren't really a thing back then. this saw a larger rise in producers stepping into the spotlight who would have otherwise just been writing pop songs for other people. it's a phase and trend who's novelty has kind of worn off and is now a lot easier to identify (lil nas x and that kind of bullcorn 'tiktok' style) BUT now there's also all the lean drinking xanny popping soundcloud rappers who think that smoking blunts and shooting guns haphazardly make you 'real'. they are, for the most part, just druggies with poor logic.

Lil Wayne saved that entire industry and released one of the best albums of all time during it who are you quoting OP they need a slap.

People have forgotten this by now, but 1999-2003 Eminem was good.

>The Game
fag was a stripper.

Those were just rumors


it was kinda dead until 2012-13 then it got revived by memphis rap in my opinion and until 2015 it was good but last 5 years have been pretty bad. Now we got some cool stuff on the way and some of the soundcloud dudes are really pushing the envelope:
check out - bby goyard, david shawty, hi-c, diamondsonmydick

It was the dance era of hip hop. Every mainstream rap song from that era had a dance or was about a dance. the Superman, Pop lock it drop it, Stanky leg, Walk it out. To be honest young money-cash money really brought it back well at least with great beats

souljah boy was legit

fuck the haters

Hip hop died when NAS said so

Attached: b055da7b.jpg (320x320, 27.4K)

No coincidence he said it in 2006, when the ringtone rappers were taking over.

Why is Nas so underrated he is literally the GOAT when it comes to lyrics.

hip hop changed in 2008 when Kanye released 808s and Heartbreak and launched Drake's career. and I don't know what you mean by mainstream hip-hop; there are and have been plenty of mainstream acts since then

i just saw Tupac's ballet interview...

This nigga was GAAAAAYYYY

8 mile is kino

Because niggers had it much worse than they do now and it was the hardship in thier lives which spawned a lot of the best rap.

They'd rap about the problems they faced in their ghettos etc but now they just rap about what your average teenage white girl would rap about.

Then you have rap also evolving to stuff like tyler the creator or kendrick lemar where they're mixing in jazz infuence and rapping about feelings and how gay they are.

The old school template of hip hop has died just as hardship in american ghettos has died.

20 years later the results of welfare reform became evident

>Gucci Mane, Lil Wayne

These two were based.

Nah, rap died in the early 90's. You're timeline is all fucked up.

real rap kino coming through

Attached: 1309137134_slaughterhouse-cover.jpg (1425x1425, 1.57M)

>hardship in american ghettos has died

They still live like animals though?

kino-wings hat inspiring civic pride in myself.

Soulja Boy literally made his beats in FL studio 7 DEMO version and that's what "killed" hip hop. Now everyone produces their own garbage. It's "southern" hip hop that killed hip hop.

>revived by memphis rap
>in 2012-13
This is some zoomer tier understanding.
Memphis had already done everything it needed to do 5-10 prior.

He wasn't wrong. History has shown his assessment to be correct.

Died. The word you are looking for is died.

Eminem had actual clout back then, he came up in Detroit in the 90s and then got cosigned by Dre.

hiphop will keep on living as long as kdot and jermaine are still in the game

Rap changed from being hard to being rich

Basically you arent in the gym listening to fucking souljah boy or drake unless youre a faggot

The death of hiphop can be traced to the popularity of a single song, and that song is "This Is Why I'm Hot" by Mims.

wayne is trash, carter 1 2 3 4 5 and everything else he ever released are all trash, you are a dumb faggot

>Gucci Mane
Dude killed Young Jeezy's homie, got off on self defense, then wrote a diss about it

>came up in Detroit in the 90s
This is factually untrue. Kid Rock and Insane Clown Posse were actually coming up in Detroit in the 90's. Emenem sucked and fucked his way in.
>t. Detroit Insider