BTFOs Your Lies There Are No Video Rental Places in 2020

>Family Video - We are the largest movie and game rental chain in the United States. We operate over 550 Family Video stores in 20 U.S. states and Canada. Our unique property-ownership model makes us a different sort of retailer because we buy and develop most of our buildings and land.

Why did Yas Forums lie to me?

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So it's like an air-conditioned lobby lined with twenty Red Boxes?

It's literally the same as Blockbuster Video was in the 90's except it has 550 locations open in 2020.

I don't think anyone meant to say that they are entirely 100% gone, no one ever means the absolutes. One user was insisting they would make a come back and its not true. Porn theaters still exist but that doesn't mean they will make a come back.

>One user was insisting they would make a come back and its not true.
The never left, there's like 4 in driving distance form me, and then like 3-4 other independent video rental places. What's it like being so wrong? They also have a promotional deal with Marco's Pizza, in which there will be a Marco's next to a Family Video, that's how successful they are.

>The never left
Yeah, I guess all of the blockbusters closing down was just a lie.

The only one by my just closed down and turned into a Dollar Genral the next day.

i miss videostores so much lads

>that's how successful they are.
How is that successful? Deals are done to boost business, not because you have good business. Based on these posts it would seem that family video is struggling so they are renting out their properties to marco's pizza because they already own the land so its an easy way to make more money when your business isn't doing so hot.

>Yeah, I guess all of the blockbusters closing down was just a lie.
Yeah, they were literally replaced by Family Video which is still thriving with the exact same business model. The Blockbusters here became Family Videos and they're still open selling candy and snacks with movie and game rentals. When are you going to admit you lied to people?

Why would Marco's, a very successful company, partner up with a business you suggest is dying? They did it because Family Video is successful, you dumb fuck.

>which is still thriving with the exact same business model.
>Our unique property-ownership model makes us a different sort of retailer
So no.

I would bet they are mostly in rural locations, small cottage towns where people don't have good internet access.

>So no.
They own their buildings and don't lease them, how does that not suggest confidence, you anti-rental narrative nigger?

>Why would Marco's, a very successful company, partner up with a business you suggest is dying?
Successful companies are always looking for ways to be more successful. Cheaper rent is one way to do that, as well as being near establishments that create a symbiotic relationship. I never said that family video was dying, just struggling, which is evident by them leasing our the land they own to other companies. Even if family video goes under entirely, they'd still own the land, meaning they would still be able to leverage a good deal for the lease.

>I would bet they are mostly in rural locations, small cottage towns where people don't have good internet access.
completely false, and you probably live in a shit hole project overrun by niggers, how could you dumb fucks be so ignorant you thought video rental no longer existed?

>how does that not suggest confidence
I didn't say anything about confidence, I am just pointing out that you calimed they have the EXACT SAME BUSINESS MODEL despite also quoting that their business model is unique and different from other retailers.

You can't have the exact same business model but also a unique business model, the reason they succeed where blockbuster doesn't is that they own land, something that still isn't enough to save them considering they are leasing out to a pizza place to make more money.

>Family Video near me shut down last year

They're not doing well either OP

>and you probably live in a shit hole project overrun by niggers
Clearly you are having a logical discussion here, not one based off of your own ego feeling bruised.

I see they've diversified their product

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Holy shit, you're just scraping for something negative to say to complain user explained you were completely incorrect. Seriously evaluate your train of thought here. Not that poster btw

They don't "have a promotional deal with Marco's Pizza", they're owned by the same parent company, which owns all the real estate where they franchise these places.

The parent company is a supremely shitty place to work at. Employees don't even get a 5% discount at any stores, they still charge "rent" on the franchises and basically fuck over everyone as much as possible because their antiquated business model floats on the underlying asset value of the property instead of whatever revenue the stores themselves bring in.

>.t former corporate employee

Check out our amazing fucking website that's been left half broken for the last two years.

>user explained you were completely incorrect.
No he didn't, he just asked how it doesn't suggest confidence after contradicting himself.

>I didn't say anything about confidence, I am just pointing out that you calimed they have the EXACT SAME BUSINESS MODEL despite also quoting that their business model is unique and different from other retailers.

how does it feel to have your entire narrative BTFO, you stupid nigger?

So you contradict yourself by saying the business model is UNIQUE yet EXACTLY THE SAME, and when I point out the flaw in your logic you somehow think I'm the autistic one?

Holy fuck you live in a rural area that's I live in a rural area and there's vhs stores here but when I lived in toronto I'm sure you could find some hipster faggot selling vhs

Marco's Pizza is fucking delicious though. It's America's favorite pizza for a reason.

combine nostalgia appeal demographics with product. someone knows what they are doing

>your neighborhood is overrun by niggers because i said so!
Yeah, really btfo'd me there chief, ill never recover.

The fuck is Marco's pizza? Lmao at this bumpkin.

>says video rental place has same video rental business model as more famous video rental place you post about constantly as being an extinct dinosaur
>but user their press says they are unique because they own their real estate, you're wrong
put a gun to your head, and pulls the trigger, you are too stupid to live

The one in my town closed down earlier this year.
I had this deep pang of sadness, even though I hadn't set foot in that place in years.
They were mostly kept alive by the apartments right across the street, and the tiny surrounding neighborhood.
I haven't rented anything in a very long time, but it just felt good that it was still there. Like a small relic from my teenage years.
It hurts

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Legit never heard of that place lmao. You are a delusional faggot.

The point is that video rental stores where you go in, browse and select videos to rent, are still around and that Family Video has replaced blockbuster to provide the exact same service to the costume. If you truly believe the means by which they either buy or rent their buildings is relevant to customer in a way that makes Family Video not a video rental store, then you need to seriously evaluate your purpose in this conversation and what you're listening for when people are trying to talk. You are issuing such a ridiculous complaint, it has no relevance or worth in this conversation and seems only to be given out of spite

>>says video rental place has same video rental business model as more famous video rental place you post about constantly as being an extinct dinosaur
I didn't say this, OP did.

>>but user their press says they are unique because they own their real estate, you're wrong
OP also said this.

>The fuck is Marco's pizza? Lmao at this bumpkin.
>he doesn't know what Marco's Pizza is
what's it like being a New York nigger?

Attached: marcos.jpg (1000x750, 207.32K)

Based Marcos/Family Express Chad. They deliver movies with your pizza

>America's favorite pizza
>literal who in major cities
What's it like fucking your cousin every weekend?

>Legit never heard of that place lmao. You are a delusional faggot.
>I never heard of a rapidly growing successful pizza chain from my concrete nigger jungle
>surely it doesn't exist
>With about 900 stores across 35 states, Marco's Pizza is one of the fastest growing pizza companies
how is 900 stores nothing, you dumb nigger?

>If you truly believe the means by which they either buy or rent their buildings is relevant to customer in a way that makes Family Video not a video rental store
I never said this, implied this, hinted at this, or even though this user, I have no idea where you are getting this idea from, but the fact that you've pulled it out of your ass actually explains why this thread is such a cluster fuck. You don't really read, do you?

My initial point was only that they survived because of a different business model, to which OP said 'NO ITS THE EXACT SAME BUSINESS MODEL', despite him pointing out that it is a unique business model in the actual original post. I'm just pointing out OPs contradictory logic.

>What's it like fucking your cousin every weekend?

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How is whether or not the company leases or owns its buildings relevant to whether or not it provides Blockbuster's service and filled in Blockbuster's market? The entire crux of this thread is if video rental places still exist. They do. Look up video rental near me on google, they're fucking everywhere

>durr I don't have a 900 store chain near me, so you're a hillbilly!
what's it like being a nigger stuck in an overpopulated hellscape?

I miss the old comfy days when my mom took me to the grocery store in town, and they had this little movie and videogame section near the back
All the videogames were in little plastic boxes, and i'd always go through them, seeing if anything new had came in
The movies were all lined up on the shitty wooden shelf, with those little round metal tags on hooks in front of them. You'd take the little tag to the counter if you wanted to rent one
I'd always spend like an hour just looking at the front and back of every tape, imagining what the movie was like in my mind
I wanna go back so bad.

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>My initial point was only that they survived because of a different business model
prove it autist

All companies are run slightly differently, the subject has always been whether or not rental places existed, save for your irrelevant complaint based on misunderstanding what is meant by business model. I replied to your post mocking you for being unable to make that distinction and for focusing so harshly on something so irrelevant, and that's what I'm still doing. Nobody is going to give you a medal for correcting someone based on your own misunderstanding

Kek do you work for Family Video and Marco's Pizza you fucking faggot? No one gives a fuck about your unknown midwest bumpkin store chains. Kys.

900 is a really small number for american chains. pizza hut, has 18 thousand, as does dominos. Fuck, even blockbuster had 4000 stores at some point. Your numbers are small, of course there are going to be large numbers of people who don't know about them, let alone wouldn't consider them americas favorite pizza when they only have 1/20th of the presence of names people actually know.

Salty retard can't handle regional markets lol

would eat

So? It's just a really popular midwest pizza chain that delivers movies. I want to know why city fuckers are so neurotic about that

So this is just shilling at this point. Enjoy the ban faggot.

>No one gives a fuck about your unknown midwest bumpkin store chains
>900 stores
>35 states
NYC nigger detected that has never been outside of his own block because he can't afford a car

>How is whether or not the company leases or owns its buildings relevant to whether or not it provides Blockbuster's service and filled in Blockbuster's market?
Again, wasn't a point I was making or arguing. In fact, my literal first post was
>I don't think anyone meant to say that they are entirely 100% gone, no one ever means the absolutes. One user was insisting they would make a come back and its not true.
And I still stand by that. 550 stores is cool, but blockbuster had 4000 by 2010. There is a reason no one knew they existed. I mean hell you didn't know they existed until you googled it.

By next year the only brick and mortar businesses left will be grocery stores, target/walmart, and pharmacies. All irrelevant.

Tell us where the pizza man hurt you user

There's a lot of buttmad retards in this thread.

I live in a MAJOR city. There's a Family Video down the street and Marco's pizza is a huge franchise with at least 5 locations within driving distance of me.

I'm surprised about Family Video, but before this bullshit started, there would be customers there on a regular basis.

So, having 1/20th the number of stores as pizza hut or dominos means that it legitimately isn't americas favorite pizza. It doesn't matter if its popular in the midwest, where certain states have a population of less than 1 million. It's great that you like it, I'm sure its good, its just not america's favorite pizza.

I've never heard of either place you dumbfuck bumpkin. You're not fooling anyone.

You know there is 50 right? like unironically 15 states have no idea this place even exists.

I was so fucking angry when the local movie theatre shut down. It was a single screen theatre, and they only charged $5 a ticket, but they'd never show anything rated over pg-13

It was ran by this old couple who were more into family friendly movies, and even showed free cartoons for kids and families on the weekends, but it suffered because they never could get enough butts in the seats
While the rest of the world was watching Jurassic World and Ted 2, they kept showing some movie about a fucking dog.
The place is closed down and rotting now, and its hard for me to say anything of value was lost.
If I had a couple million i'd renovate the shit outta that place

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So why are you shilling them so hard? Majority of posters are coastals that have never heard of your gay ass regional store chains.

Are you really nitpicking the 'worlds best' advertising tag? It's not a problem if you are, but didn't we all get over this when we were eight?

I'm not him, but I have a local Marco's that's great. I like them enough to throw in with some random user when he brings them up, it's easy. More importantly though I just want to engage with city pizza retards who get pissy about their 'go 'zas when people say they know a chain