Will BoJack Horseman ever be topped?

Will BoJack Horseman ever be topped?

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Normal words.

The entire finale season was obviously not what they intended. I'm curious to know what endgame they did plan for the characters.

he‘s literally me



Apparently it's the greatest cartoon of all time.

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ngl, think it's the greatest show of all time. that being said, fuck alison brie and fuck the douchefag who created the show

Yes, there will soon be something new that is both painfully mediocre and hailed as the second coming by tasteless pseudointellectuals.

Funny how these lists are always a handful of classic/well remembered films thrown in, then the majority are recently produced trash cluttering up the top ten.

All the greatest films and TV were made in the last 6 or so months? What a time to be alive.


This was the plot of season 1. And season 2. And season 3. And so on.
Also, it was the structure of episode 1. And episode 2.
...and every single episode.
The writers worked ten minutes in total for the whole show.

What would even be a contender (not counting anime)? You could say South Park or Futurama, but they have so many seasons that you have to really cherry pick to get as many episodes that are on par with Bojack.

King of the Hill, Archer, early Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead, Samurai Jack, Avatar: TLA, various Mcfarlane shows. All of this is low-brow trash, but at least it's better than BoJack.

>People but animals
>And sometimes they act like animals!!
glad they got cancelled

KotH is probably the closest, and while Avatar is in its own tier it's kind of too different to compare.
>macfarlane shit
You've got to be kidding.

Reddit makes me sick.

At least McFarlane writes the odd funny joke. BoJack is just masturbatory woe-is-me navel-gazing for self-absorbed millenials.

Are you pretending that Season 4 and 5 of Bojack were actually good?

Season 4 was by far the best season, and 5 only seemed bad because it had to follow 4. What the fuck are you even talking about?

I give Season 4 credit, because at least it broke the same tired formula that both Season 2 & 3 stole from the first season but it's nowhere near the best.
Season 4 Episode 2 and Season 4 Episode 11 are great, I do like how they delve into Beatrice's past, even if the whole lobotomy thing with her mother feels a bit forced. They are good episodes though. Outside of that, we get way less Bojack, which means way more Mr Peanut Butter and Todd who are at their most obnoxious. The Fracking shit takes up half the season and it's absolutely cringe and not funny. The politics is just way too much and aside from PC no-one has that much interesting going on.
Bojack has some okay character moments but it's still the show's least funniest season.

Season 5 is about the same, although a lot funnier thanks to Mr Peanut Butter not being political and all the fucking clock streaming service jokes. The drama gets less interesting but the comedy improves. Also Free Churro is the worst episode of the show. Say I was filtered, but 25 minutes of Bojack's disgusting self-pity and lame jokes is too much.

Season 6 leaves both of these seasons for dead writing wise though.

S2 > S1 > S6 > S3 > S4 = S5

Well, your opinion is shit, but at least you recognize that Old Sugarman's Place and Time's Arrow are amazing (I view them as a pair), and Ruthie is probably the next best episode of the season (the PC one). I also agree that Free Churro isn't that great.
>complains about the politics in bojack

S4 > S3 > S2 > S6 = S1 > S5

It was already topped by family guy

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Yes, I agree, Ruthie was really good. We agree Season 5 is a weak point too.
The problem with Season 4 was the comedy was super grating.
Surprised you think Season 3 is better than Season 2, I don't see that a lot.

>Surprised you think Season 3 is better than Season 2
I thought 3 just had generally better writing and I liked the more experimental narrative structures (Fish out of Water; Stop the Presses). I thought the spaghetti strainer shit was retarded, but it's still better than the Todd joins an improv group arc.

>thats too much man

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Oh yeah, 3 and 4 also had the biggest gut punch episodes. After Escape from LA it was like, "how the fuck are they going to top that?", and then this entire episode.

What i love about the show is the level of development. I started of wanting Diane to leave peanutbutter for Bojack but eventually as the show moves on you realize they both have so much resentment for themselves that a relationship can’t possibly work

(I haven’t finished the show yet am I’m in the part where Diane moves in with the Guy)

The continuity is one of the best things about the show. There's a joke in the 3rd episode that doesn't even make sense until like the 4th season. The show is meant to be binged and rewatched multiple times to pick up on everything.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy is way better than bojack, just for starters.

Batman the animated series is way up there to.

Animaniacs was amazing but the cultural references date it.

How did you watch all of those shows? Animaniacs was on when I was in elementary school and I'm pretty sure Ed, Edd and Eddy didn't start until I was in college.

My mom and grandmother are huge fans of cartoons, I watched a lot of older stuff growing up. Modern cartoons are garbage for the most part.

I guess that was a dumb question, as I watched a ton of Loony Toons and Hanah-Barbera in the early 90's.