ITT: Sequels that are better than the original
ITT: Sequels that are better than the original
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I would say its different, but not better
None of these are better than the originals.
yes but the entire franchise is overrated
What are you smoking? It can't be possible to be this contrarian surely. Pred 2 is a fine flick but no way is it better than 1.
WW1 was kino
Hell yeah bro, Hudson was a badass
Why do ass repliers make me cringe
Is it because they think their opinion matters so much they have to reply to multiple posts. I don't get it
Return of the Empire?
Hudson was a whiny bitch.
pic very much related
>this whole thread
Okay trying to save something here:
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
He was based as fuck, and went out with a bang while BTFOing several Xenos, fuck off faggot.
>why do people reply to posts on a board based on discussion of a topic.
I know many of you have the intelligence of literal window lickers but come on now son, why do you think. If you rub both of your two iq points together maybe you could figure it out.
That's not what he asked, faggot.
Funny how he couldn't shoot the aliens that were pulling him under.
He did, but there were too many. Besides, acid blood.
Predator 2 is objectively better in every way, and I grew up with Predator being my favorite movie. You just have to take the nostalgia glasses off to realize how badly the original has aged.
filthy capeshit descendants. I spit on ye
I can name a few good remakes, like The Thing, The Fly... Man on Fire? That is all.
Regardless, he was whined like a massive pussy throughout the movie.
"Game over, man! Game over!
"Now what are we supposed to do?!"
"Yeah, right! With those things running around? You can count me out."
Then he overcame his fear and killed tons of Xenos while taunting them. You are just a faggot.
This is bait
lol no it fucking isn't - it's full of faggotry and recycled ideas. At best, it's Home Alone 2 of sequels.
fuck off you contrarian faggots
oops, I apologize for taking the bait
He killed maybe a couple (we never actually see him kill anything. He could have just been shooting blindly in a panic) that that still doesn't detract from the fact that throughout the movie, he was a total bitch, just like you.
not him but you seem like bitch desu lol
Sure thing. Whatever you say faggot, now fuck off
>Regardless, he was whined like a massive pussy throughout the movie.
When he finally got done blustering anyway. It was a pretty thankless role.
Home Alone 2 is also better than the original.
>Predator 2
>full of faggotry
I guess the homoerotica of the original went over your head. Did all those sweaty, muscular men make you gay?
>recycled ideas
It's a sequel, retard. Of course, it's going to reuse the same themes whilst also expanding upon them. Next, you'll be saying that Aliens is full of recycled ideas, too.
it's less of "overcame" and more "overflooded with testosterone" as a final departure of a heroic manpussy.
To his final moments he was still emotionally unstable, hormone-driven hillbilly.
Aliens 2 became literal capeshit of 80s, trading off subtlety for pace and muh bagina feels
T2 became a mechandise-shifting flick, replacing a hulk of muscles for a villain and his relentless devotion to his craft with twink hurr-durr "i have a shield against everything" fag and a kid as a co-protagonist to capitalise on adolescent merch sales.
Pred 2 and GB 2 are not worth the spoonfeed.
Predator 2 is very visibly aged in with the late 80s early 90s aesthetic. The way they talk, dress, the haircuts. The city. The goofy gun the Danny Glover is sporting the whole time.
Predator has aged much better other than a few of the special effects. The jungle setting away from civilization plays a big part in that.