The Sopranos is Gosip Girl for men

The Sopranos is Gosip Girl for men

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>dude Twitter screenshot thread
fuck off

Women are fuckholes for men
Their opinions are worthless

>DUDE this thing is literally like just this other thing for this group of people
why do women and soys constantly insist on doing this?

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Looks like a ladyboy

Bet you never had a woman in your life lol

> arguing with holes

>Dana Donnelly
Sounds like a porn name.

What a fucked up thing to say. Put your manners back in.

Unironically right

yeah, so?

Our gossip is the best gossip, it's tremendous, people have been saying this.

If Gossip Girl is anything like the Sopranos then I'll watch it

OK tranny

>she can vote

You are literally a onions

She's right. Sopranos are like Wire and Plebwood the most overrated show ever. Just because HBO shilled them at the max, paid critics to praise and because there were no many shows back then to watch.

Dear Lord.

Name 4 shows that are better

she's right you know

One day I'll watch Gossip Girlm but just because of the qts

Kill all women and minorities

Now I’m going to have to ask you to put a bullet in your skull.

What do you like?


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This poster sucks cock by choice.

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Based, fuck this reddit piece of shit.
Back then when I started watching it I simply couldn’t finish it because of the way dialogues are written i, Too many "Le epic" swears and quipy dialogues for me.

After a while when the actors spoke I started to picture their lines appearing in front of me as text with the reddit upvote downvote arrows next to them, and let me tell you, there were a lot of upvotes.

LOTR is just Harry Potter for men

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What if I called you reddit for being scared of swear words?

I think The Sopranos is overrated but women are whores. I don't know which side to take.

it'd be cool if more people were executed in gossip girl

Nobody has actually refuted what she said kek She's actually right. The only difference is money and blood. It's all gossip and betrayal

did reddit even exist when that came out?

If it's work related it's not gossip but politics, that's an important distinction.