What happened to Felicia Day? She was up and coming and then just disappeared
What happened to Felicia Day? She was up and coming and then just disappeared
She was sucking Joss Whedon's cock for roles but he was more interested in Eliza Dushku
tv is always wrong at picking starlets. remember summer glau?
she married a 60 year old boomer
>Up and coming a decade and a half ago when she was 30
I guess it wasn't her - day
I guess you could call her Felicia - Night
Yas Forums never picked Felicia Day lmao
She should advertise for Camel Cigarettes
When you're in your late 30s AND your partner is in their 60s AND you want a kid... you don't have much time.
Man 2008 feels like forever ago now.
who did wear those goggles better...
who could blame him, eh
zey do nothing haha
shes also ugly as fuck
Was glauposting really over a decade ago
I still think of summer as being tvs principle waifu.
Man time flies, what really unnerved me is most poster's here don't seem to remember, which makes me wonder where everyone else who posted here back then went.
It was closer to 15 years ago at this point. I assume most of the glaufags killed themselves once she got married
They exit bagged out
She got knocked up by some 60+ yo producer sugar daddy
i like to think Yas Forums was more fun back then for some reason. it was a simpler time before star wars and marvel threads. back when there were lost generals and stuff like the green oval and people like kaiji. what a long time ago that was huh
hit the wall at the speed of light
not like she was pretty to begin with
I used to hate Glauposting. Then while I was watching Alphas, Glau showed up, and I knew the show was fucking doomed, and it was. God I hate Summer Glau.
She couldn't act to save her life, how she ever got roles to begin with is a mystery for the ages.
>you will never get to see Kaiji post with his original trip again
>you will never see Mr. Eko posting 24/7 in multiple threads again
>you will never see Heisenberger post a LOST thread again
>you will never see SK talk about her eating disorder again
>you will never see Scar post a fatfu/south park/some crazy shit thread again
Yas Forumss golden age is truly over ;_;
>stuff like the green oval
I haven't thought about that in years.
I miss Abatar posting.
What have we done with our lives, bros?
Good, she was a blueprint for a talentless unsightly nepotist leftcuck.
But user, there’s always obnoxious tripfags to ignore.
It was always ASR my man
I don't remember much about that guy but he seemed annoying. What am I missing?
Remember abatap, he was great.
Kaiji was a discount LGL anyway
I'm so glad 'le quirky' internet era of the 00s is dead
I liked Mr Eko and /LOST/ was a fun time with them all.
I don't understand why you guys invest so deeply.