Someone says something transphobic to me on Yas Forums

>someone says something transphobic to me on Yas Forums
>get up and start pacing around my room trying not to think about it
Any kinos to help me feel better?

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i really hate how anime has been coopted by faggots

You will never be a woman.

I don't know but can I suck your dick please?

you are not cute

>Any kinos to help me feel better?
no, but a rope might


You will never be a woman and no one will ever accept you as a woman
all of your friends and potential loved ones will just tell you that you're a woman because they don't want you to kill yourself

Ye it's a shame

anime is still for cute and funny chads tho tbqh

There's a reason why trannies never identify themselves with cute and funny characters such as Megumin.

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Anime has always been for faggots

Any man that will ever be attracted to you will be gay. And not even the normal, manly sort of gay. Liking traps is infinitely gayer than being a normal faggot.

Anime is for chads

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Its so easiy to b8 Yas Forums lmao

yea but like holed up in their rooms calling each other faggots for not liking a girl faggots not thinking they're a girl faggots

Trannies literally operate this board. Tranny hate threads go down instantly and this has been up 10 minutes. Guess I’ll just have to keep posting them

>why yes, I love anime and I stomp on trannies until they are blood red mush everyday, how can you tell?

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You will never be a woman.

>Its so easiy to b8 Yas Forums lmao

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tranny tranny are you ok?

the fuck you mean "huh?"

Is that a picture of you?

Holy shit you fags are too easy to b8

>get called out
>immediately defaults to the "NO I AM NOT A TRANNY YOU ARE" argument


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Of course I won't. The technology to implant my mind in to the 2D realm does not yet exist.

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You will never be a woman and you will kill yourself


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I think hes samefagging kek.

I didn't understand that statement

>Transphobic pepe
>Jerks him off in pic
Sounds about right.

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trans is a mental disease that must be stopped.

>b-bb-but I identify as X!
WRONG! you are weak and are making superficial assumptions that X person has an 'easier' or 'better' life than you when in reality X is just mentally stable and has enough self esteem not to compare themselves to anyone else

I'm part of the majority who have never been convinced by one of you abominations.

>dickless incel
>everything he sees looks like it's involving sex

checks out

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anime fags of before argued if one anime girl was better than another (not gay)
anime fags of now want to be anime girl to fit their delusions (very gay)

>thinks hes epic winned
Ya well at least im not a soi or frog poster

based on what?

Oh ok

I dont know

>Ya well at least im not a soi or frog poster

At least we are not bleeding from where our dicks should have been.

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Asuka or Rei choose wisely

asuka since she's more likely to step on my balls

>Homo (pedo) or Pedo (homo)?
tough choice desu desu desu

what do you mean? the way I post? what?

You sound jealous, did your surgery turn out bad? Mine went fine no bleeding i also poured bleach on it to clean it real nice.

are you ok tranny? you need to take a breather or something?

Yeah you would like that cuz u secretely want ur balls gone so u can be a tranny

The Believer (2001)

if my balls were gone then how would i enjoy them getting stepped on retar

>Mine went fine no bleeding i also poured bleach on it to clean it real nice.

You are suppose to keep pretending you aren't a tranny while accusing me of being one, not confessing to your own dickless status.

You type like you are 3 posts away from turning yourself into part of the 41% BRO.

Asuka is garbage kys nigger

No. I'm just not a homosexual or a pedophile, the correct answer is Misato. I say that because again I'm not a homsexual pedophile incel like yourself, nigger. I don't need to sexualize pubescent girls because I can have sex with adult women

I don't get what the problem with asuka is she's just incredibly insecure doesn't come off as a bitch to me and I just kinda feel bad for rei so misato shinji should've been shamed for not making a move


Couldnt even finish that because the tranny is fuming

nothing more yikes with a tranny trying to use Yas Forums lingo in his post, you sound like a kid who just learned what swearwords are.