>Jill : If you want to, you can lay me over the table and amuse yourself, and even call in your men. Well, no woman ever died from that. When you're finished, all I'll need will be a tub of boiling water and I'll be exactly what I was before - with just another filthy memory!
>its horrible! bro i think you spelled great wrong
Blake Roberts
People compare this shit to the Mwnn trilogy all the time, but the Once Upon trilogy is ten times darker and mostly in subtle ways. The treatment of the female characters is definitely one of the ways.
Evan Wilson
I dunno dude I think FFDM is just as dark. It also had a rape scene and pretty dark. If I had to rate them
Fistful is still good but after watching Yojimbo I like it a lot less. Yojimbo is just so much better, and makes a lot more sense story wise, like in that movie both gangs in the town trust him BECAUSE he is a former Samurai. In Fistful the gangs in the town have no reason to trust clint he's just a drifter.
Chase Diaz
Wtf is the once upon trilogy? Once upon a time in America, once upon a time in the west. Then what? Once upon a time in Hollywood? Once upon a time in Beirut?
Bentley Butler
Watch Once Upon A Time... the Revolution (also knows as Duck, You Sucker or A Fistful of Dynamite) you plebs. It's probably his best (and definitely darkest) western. I'm not going to be able to be in this thread any longer so if you reply to me I won't see it, sorry.
Fistful of Dynamite isn't that dark, wtf, it's like a cartoon or something.
Zachary Anderson
>haha dynamite go brrrrr me not listening to characters talking or watching everyone die horribly until there's only Napoleon left standing Retard
Jason Richardson
>thoughts? She was a whore All women are whores
Angel Harris
It's not dark, in fact I think it's one of his most hopeful in that it's a celebration of friendship within the failure of politics. His only western where the characters grow and develop instead of being archetypes
Ryan Davis
They all die by the end, all they did was for nothing, the revolution was a lie, the only guy left standing watched his entire family get massacred and all his friends die.
Asher Wood
she needs to visit India or Pakistan women die from that all the time, its horrible!
It's a spaghetti western, what do you expect? A nice gardening romance where everyone is safe from danger?
Luis Adams
>boiling water? yeah nobody is going to touch her after that
Joshua Edwards
>says the retard calling the movie at hand a cartoon How's schizophrenia treating you
Andrew Moore
Yea, I found it a fun ride, one of my faves in fact. Who cares, did you know them?
Jonathan Robinson
It's cartoon character tier with cartoon tier action set pieces. Not really an insult.
Chase Foster
>Later in the movie she is taking a bath after Frank has sex with her Kind of neat continuity
Samuel Edwards
>look at me I am 12 Yeah we know
Dylan Parker
If you think they died for nothing and that Juan was unchanged then missed the entire point of the movie, Juan in the end steps outside disillusionment and embraces friendship, dynamite and the fragility of life
John Wright
He embraces fuck all, his family is dead, everyone he ever knew is dead, his insane dynamite loving friend is dead
Oliver Murphy
Wow, you sound high minded. Bet you stick things up your bum too.
Leo Bell
Don't you have anything better to do than fling shit on Yas Forums If you want to talk about the movie, do it
Mason Collins
She loved it tho
Ryder Cruz
Hard to talk about a film, when all you hear is insults isn't it.
Nathaniel Johnson
We're all going to die friend, what matters is how we live in the time we have. Juan is more able to embrace life after losing everything than he was at the beginning when he was in the throws of his negative nihilism
Joseph Sanchez
Grow a spine or fuck off back to where you came from, reddit scum
Luke Sanchez
>full onscreen rape >family of 30+ including children utterly annihilated sure is a kiddie film
Dominic Martinez
Are you high? Where you high when you watched it? Juan never was a nihilist, none of this retarded discussion makes any fucking sense