Why does this guy make Yas Forums so mad?
Henry Rollins
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I think he's pretty based
Because his ideology changed (for better or worst)
back off dude
Scooter from Johnny Mnemonic?
Loved his 90's-early 00's shit, but now he just whinges about "muh white guilt" and basically bows down to negroid overlords
Hey, this is Henry Rollins. I was in a band in the 80s that everybody says they like but they don't actually listen to. I'm a vegan, man. Can you handle this? Brace yourself, because I'm about to beat you down with my basic bitch political opinions stated with a determined intensity. You won't be able to handle my conventional majority views stated monotonously over some bland hardcore guitar riffs. See, I'm a punk rocker, but I'm old now, and wise. Being older means I'm smarter, even though none of my positions have changed since I was an edgy teenager. Can you deal with that, America? I think masculinity is dumb. That's why I make tough-guy faces and lift weights and stuff. I'll kick your ass if you like masculinity. I regularly donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I really can't stand Southern poverty. Hopefully we can wipe it out one day. See, I'm a white guy, but I can't stand white guys. This is a brave, bold statement I shouldn't be making. I might lose friends and social capital for saying it. Sorry if that burst your bubble honky, but that's just how it's gonna be.
Hypocrisy from people with a reaching voice annoys me. This dood was (probably still is) a coke fiend yet parades around claiming he's never done drugs.
Yeah, I'm thinkin' he's based.
every time i see or hear henry rollins i think about this and i just laugh
ill never take him seriously again
Has a copy pasta ever captured the entire essence of someone’s being quite so thoroughly? I imagine this would hurt Rollins more than the midge pastas hurt big Warwick Davies.
I like him, seems a little cloying at times but I'm a fan of his one-man shows. Would be interesting to see him live, he's energetic in a compelling way
Daily Reminder that Henry Rollins ran away while his friend was being murdered and now carries his friend's ashes around and cums in the jar he keeps it in.
>look it up
The dude literally humps his best friend's ashes. Which his friend only died because Henry ran away like a little bitch
Is he gay or not?
Executed harder than that pair of niggers executed Rollins' best friend with a pistol while he ran away and hid like a bitch.
>I regularly donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I really can't stand Southern poverty
Always make me laugh
It's rumored he is but he should just come out already, it's also rumored that he also meets guys at gyms for sex. Just come out already Henry.
This was unironically very masculine.
i cant find this anywhere this is bullshit
His big scene
Absolutely spot on.
>In December 1991, Rollins and his best friend Joe Cole were involved in a shooting when they were assaulted by robbers outside their shared home in Venice Beach, California. Cole died after being shot in the face, but Rollins escaped.[117] The murder remains unsolved. In an April 1992 Los Angeles Times interview, Rollins revealed he kept a plastic container full of soil soaked with Cole's blood: "I dug up all the earth where his head fell—he was shot in the face—and I've got all the dirt here, and so Cole's in the house. I say good morning to him every day. I got his phone, too, so I got a direct line to him. So that feels good."
is this pasta from TRS or did TRS make a bit out of Yas Forums pasta?
im sorry where does it say that he cums in the ashes?
lying faggot
i dont trust men who have never been seen with a woman
He's a liberal, so yes. He's a 50-something year old rich handsome man who has no children.
The only conclusion is that he is a faggot. When he does, he will leave this world without a trace, he will be forgotten, and his culturally and racially inferior bloodline will cease to exist.
This is the destiny of all liberals. It's why those who do reproduce groom their children to be homosexuals--they instinctually understand that they are genetically inferior and need to be purged. They also made murdering their own children legal--I suspect that this was liberal women, who sense that their "men" are not fit to procreate and would rather have an abortion than bear their children. Whenever I meet a Democrat who has a son, I just assume it isn't his, and that his wife cheated on him with a Republican.
I am seriously worried about the concepts of masculinity that I see metastasizing among young men these days (especially in certain online communities), and I feel an obligation to offer a model of masculinity that I believe is better for the world. I know that when I was a teenager, the male role models society offered to me were either the same-old unenlightened meatheads or painfully ineffectual and unsexy '90s men. I had no idea how to navigate between those two extremes until I found two male role models who taught me, in large measure, how to be the man I try to be today: Henry Rollins and Anthony Bourdain. It's possible to be an enlightened bad-ass — to care about other people's feelings, to be smart, to be nurturing, and also to be resilient, assertive and, frankly, fuckable. I learned that from Hank and Tony, and if I can pass that wisdom to others, I will.
I only know who he is from Full Metal Challenge