What have you been watching to occupy yourself during the isolation Yas Forums?
Have you been watching old classics or discovering new kino?
What have you been watching to occupy yourself during the isolation Yas Forums?
Have you tried talking to women op?
Is this thread only for normalfags whom have never self isolated for 5+ years?
Unfortunately I have been staying in doors as of late.
It is for anyone who wants to answer the questions and discuss what they have been doing to manage.
seems like it.
it's pathetic to see the normies fall apart when they can't rub against each other in their mosh pits 50 times a day. I only wish corona was here to stay so they could all go insane and we could inherit the earth
Sound very upset user, do you wanna talk about it?
Making crafts.
I got a gorl pregnant
Don't forget to eat healthy!
But remember to treat yourself too.
Oh! I like crafting, what do you like to make?
Does she escort at cons?
my self isolation has been on going for 18 years. why are you only asking now
n-not that I k-know of...
16 years for me
although its been interrupted by bouts of foolishly trying to improve myself, socially interract, and gain employment all of which repeatedly crashed and burned
Indeed, its almost like that limp bizkit concert in 99 where all the normalfags were raping women in public and nobody cared. Shit was on the ground cause the porta poties overflowed. The place was a circus. I enjoyed the entertainment when i heard about it on tv. Normalniggers will be doing that soon enough when the government prevents them from going out for a year or more. It will be truly hilarious and a spectacle to behold. Normalfags suiciding in drovesof screaming pigs being buried alive.
I watched Rashomn and Aguirre, The Wrath of God this weekend.
Watching either Tombstone or Mulholland Drive today.
same boat here
having a real laugh at the normies here absolutely itching and seething for the lockdown to be lifted (Ausland), thinking that a couple weeks of sitting indoors will make you immune to the virus
>nobody has taken this opportunity to watch new stuff and things they haven't seen before
>everyone just tries to be edgy about already isolating long before the pandemic
based jodelleposter
In all seriousness, I have finally gotten around to watching season 2 and 3 of Dark Matter... and I remember why I stopped after season 1 the first time.
I want to hold her down and put a 9volt battery to that nose ring until she cries and then emotionally batter her until she never leaves due to me convincing her nobody else could ever love her.
apparently you lack awareness to your surroundings. Which leads me to believe you are a shitposting underage faggot.
post mega of her
Why are you mad at others when you're the bizzare one?
That'll be a big meal
For you
Yeah it was shit
It was like a commit sat down and decided how to cobble together bits and pieces of the lamest sf tv shows and suck the life out of them at the same time
No, she wants to abort it. I want her to keep my corona baby
her body her choice shitlord