>serves up some fresh kino and cute in your path
What are some comfy food/lifestyle shows?
>serves up some fresh kino and cute in your path
What are some comfy food/lifestyle shows?
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The only meal I wanna eat is that big jewish butt haha just kidding could you imagine
God I wanna cum in Claires hairy pussy
joanna angel does a cooking show? based
she's had one for awhile dude
I wish I was those sandals
Comedy gold. Comfy trailer trash GOTHIC kino
This 'content from home' they're doing is grinding my gears.
Priya needs to fuck off. She already went on about her family enough, now she's in their home going on even MORE. The gay Mexicans can do one too.
Thank goodness for Brad, Chris, Delaney, Carla and Amiel.
They aren't your friends. You do not personally know them. Stop calling them by their first names, you pathetic lonely fuck.
BA has gotten way too ethnic of late
>watching it for anything else than waifus
Yeah, I'm lonely. Wanna fight about it?
rhey got hitpieces for being not diverse. the brown hosts still get low views though.
It's a shame everything has to be turned into a parasocial fantasy in order to reel the views.
The Gay Mexicans are the best chefs on the show behind Chris & Sohla.
Wow, Whites can't have anything to themselves anymore
>when you find out that literally all of Bon Appetit is jewish
>when you find out that Chris is actually not a fag
It was hilarious seeing them edit Chris and Brad's Gourmet Makes episode to make it seem like tempering chocolate was SUPER hard to put Claire in a positive light when really they just had to try twice and then did it fine on the third try.
This was the biggest surprise although he's Muslim so he's probably in the closet.
I don't mind since the diversity is all brown women.
If you paid attention to early BA threads on tv or ck, everyone liked Chris cuz he was /our autist/. Then for some reason he started being pretty gay until it was revealed he wasn’t actually a fag. The recent vid with brad is kino
I've never seen a straight man act so gay
Right, lemme google everyone's last names so I can call her Mrs. Saffitz like a completely regular, normal dude living a normal life
It's obvious that Clair wants Brad's pee pee, but Brad is married with kids (Clair doesn't have kids) and isn't interesting. Hard to watch.
Are we sure that he isn't gay? Maybe he's married to a guy and they have kids together (using the same egg donor) or have adopted kids? I refuse to believe that he's not gay.
Clair is dating a Jewish manlet btw, so I doubt that'll work out.
>Claire going literally baby crazy in the April Fools ep
Chris, brad and claire are the only redeeming parts of this channel
Literally everyone else is an obnoxious cunts or simply a pretty shit chef
>simply a pretty shit chef
It's weird that actually Delaney seems to be the best chef in the entire kitchen and he's put on more "bro" content which is just him eating shit. He has a pretty refined palette that you can see in all the guessing game videos.