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>orange man still bad

Attached: way to go.png (2560x1440, 3.23M)

>H O N E S T L Y

If hes saying that then this all must be a hoax

I thought the flouride stare was just a meme, but I think John Oliver has proven me otherwise.

>liberal propaganda


>this video is not available

>when your hair literally grays because of your trump derangement syndrome

>I MEAN, IT'S 2018

>1/3 of people
>1 in 10
People actually gobble this shit up

I haven't bothered watching this guy recently. Does he even bother to criticize China at all or is it just DRUMPF BAD?

Why would he critizise china? this is orange mans fault

It's mind blowing how low these people get when defaming hitler.
By principle of causality, hitler had such an impact on the world that most of these faggots would not have been born had it not been for him.

Wow imagine being such a low-iq right-winger and supporting tRump and not watching Oliver. How pathetic are you virgin incels OmegaLUL

Not even the apocalypse will shut this coonass up.

>this is orange mans fault
You do realize his show has been going for 2 years longer than the trump presidency, right? Your strawman about him blaming trump for everything all the time is already threadbare just on the merit of him being around 50% longer than trump.But just ignoring that, yes, I believe he did call out the dystopian horror of china enforcing curfew by drones, and installing massive speakers on street corners to yell state sponsored lies. But he did it to contrast the trump administration doing fucking nothing about the obvious emergency, so I will understand if you pretend it doesn't exist

Hahahahaha snoopys dick! That's hella funny! XDDD I wonder what reddit thinks of that ha ha ha

Anyone know the tiktok woman they showed the clip of? I want to masturbate to her shaking her ass

Saw a toad in my back yard today

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what do we have to give GB to take him back?
>his message
>his face
>his voice
>the cadence of his segments
>his cherry picking
>his sense of "humor"
>saying "we" when he's not american
Please take him back Britbongs.

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>1 in ten people lost there jobs
>unemployment rate is 4.4% currently
How does this math work?


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Send him in a rowboat and if he makes it we will.

Did you know the Spanish Flu originated in the US?

Nope we took back Piers Morgan regrettably you can keep Oliver and Corden

the show could have been around 50 years before trump and that wouldn't preclude it from being about nothing but trump now

how's that sanders vote working out for you?

5% out of 10% people who lost their job found a new job so rate is 5% you retard


I bet amazom is kicking theirselves in the ass for not rolling out that "cashierless" grocery store they were experimenting with.

No, because nobody "knows" that. The origin of it is unknown.

Did you know Sanders just lost the last presidential run of his career, you worthless loser?

Do you know that Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China and the chinese government tried to downplay its danger?

holy kek @ all the triggered snowflakes in here
john oliver is a godsend if only for this

>tfw the whole world got shut down because some weak boomers might get the sniffles
Really makes me think.