Mike Stoklasa on suicide watch

It's the first time a celebrity isn't sucking their cock

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>some literal who
nice try, Sam


rlm cucks btfo

No one knows who you are, Sam.

>twitter screenshots
>literally who e celeb drama
The cancer of this board, kys zoomer mutt

>you can't do art criticism unless you also make great art
shut it down boys, can't do literature reviews unless you've written a great novel, can't do music reviews unless you've composed a timeless symphony, and you can't review films until you've made some kino.

>a celebrity
Sam Witwer is someone I immediately recognise as a huge Star Wars fan who's also enthusiastically in several Star Wars things, such as the being the main character in the Force Unleashed video game and I think he's in one of the cartoons too

So as far as I can tell, you like nu Star Wars, don't like RLM, and you think this Star Wars actors tweets validate your opinion or something and are worth making a thread over?



"Let's see you do better" will never be a proper argument. You don't need to be a master winemaker to know when you're drinking piss. People have taste, but skill isn't a requirement to have taste.

LMAO what a fucking bitch, why is he responding like a seething five year old?

Cucklasa genuinely doesn’t understand film, he’s a huge brainlet, pleb, and hypocrite. Gorilla uninterrupted and Space Cop are shit even for amateur films, he obviously doesn’t have filmmaking talent. At least he recognized this

I cant take someone seriously when they space their posts

Like this.

I mean, to be honest, he has a really fucking good point.

>man, this steak that I'm eating is overcooked and has been charred to shit and its consistency is like rubber.. I sure wish I was a professional chef so that I could criticize it, but alas, I must sit here and say nothing because I have no room to speak unless I am a great chef

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Jesus what a whiny faggot. I don't even like reddit letter media and that's a pathetic attitude to have towards criticism

Who is this supposed to be?

>steak is art

RLM are film nerds. They like obscure indie shit and are generally against anything mainstream, much like hipsters. Hell they drink obscure IPAs. They literally are hipster film nerds, no different than music or comic book nerds who are very opinionated about the things they center their life over

>Disney NuWars Emoloyee upset at someone not sucking Disney’s cock
Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

He has a point though. We can all judge on some theoretical level but most of us here can't really judge on a professional level when it comes to movies and shows. I think he also argues that it's always easier to review because you maybe don't put in a lot of thought beyond the theoretical level of criticism. Being a creator lets you have more insight so I'd say he's not in the wrong

Are you stupid, all they do is review mainstream blockbusters on half in the bag. They worship marvel capeshit and mike is known to love braindead movies like Jurassic world and force awakens

Mike's taste is entirely mainstream pleb and Jay only likes 80's horror.

A CW actor

Can I get a Who? For 100, Alex?

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Yes, actually. You'd know if you stopped eating at Mcdonalds and Applebees everyday.

>you need to be a chef to critique food
food analogy

Terrible take.

They don't review literature and classical music though, they watch superhero films

Also, Mike thinks JJ is a great director, loves Star Trek 09, and thinks the majority of films should follow a basic good guy vs bad guy plot. Mike is mainstream as they come

If you're a chef, you literally know what's better because you are taught the actual ways of cooking and have tried way more than some pleb always eating at restaurants who never cooks. When I was 14, I used to like well done steaks and when I started cooking, I got adjusted to more variety in meat

Ah, the old "you are not allowed to say things are bad unless you are a master" argument. Fuck people who think that shit is valid.

Don't know who this blue checkmark is but he sounds like a bitch. KWAB.

Ah yes mainstream blockbusters like Verotika, Mandy, Parasite, The Fanatic, and The Lighthouse

>implying it is not

Steak is more art than post-Lucas Star Wars

This. They only got popular for aggregating popular prequel criticisms and repeating them back in a silly voice, with some basic "Save the Cat" filmschool terms thrown in to cteate the illusion of authority. Whenever Mike tries to give his own ideas to improve a film, they end up being the most bland, focus-group feedback imaginable, but their faggot fanbase eats it up

No, it's not. At most it could be considered an artisan's piece, that is, a creation manufactured in a serialized manner, like a potter who makes a few hundred dishes, bowls, etc a day.
Art is unique.

>all these food analogies
never change Yas Forums

RLM puts more production value in their review shows than some sitcoms.

Post-Lucas Star Wars is simply even less of an 'artistic' thing than a steak

>literally who

The biggest thing this faggot ever did ws p

He wouldn't be saying this if they weren't famous. They're literally nobodies from nowhere, who never tried to make art and never wanted to make art. In that way his opinion means less to them than theirs does to him.

The reason film reviewers make shit movies is because they see filmmaking through the lenses of an overly analytical critic. The process isn’t natural for them. They only care about making a film with the least nitpicks. They’re also unwilling to take risks

I pee every day (sometimes multiple times)
where's my fucking medal, Obama

Nobody with even a passing knowledge of television production would say this

And sitcoms are lowest common denominator trash.

Exactly, they review Marvel and memeshit like every other halfwit film critic.