Do you fear aging, Yas Forums?

Do you fear aging, Yas Forums?

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Yes. I don't want my beauty to fade :(


I didn't and then The Irishman put that fear in me.

I don't understand how old people aren't in a constant panic over the fact they could drop dead any second

That's because boomers are dying, not the greatest generation

>tfw your dick stops working and it's never been used

That's why you don't smoke kids

they are

Very much

They're in severe denial about their mortality. They still think Covid19 is a scam while they drop dead in droves

not really, i've always been apathetic. i'm acutely aware i'm wasting my life and i don't care, i doubt i'll care when i'm old and it's too late.

More than anything

No, you must embrace the decay or you will go insane

Irishman and the first season of Better Call Saul made me scared of getting old

I've never felt that kind of fear before watching this movie, what a depressing reminder



That's pretty much nothing desu

>ywn actually be able to reproduce the same sentiments of your past age and have to deal with the fact of out living people who were close to you
>stuff that is now remembered for its emotional resonance such as childhood video games and movies or TV shows will eventually become relics of the millennium past as the world moves on into a faster information processing society, therefore rendering them trivial
>just like deniro at the end of this movie, you'll equally long for the 'heydays' of your life by looking at old photographs and embracing the reality of being out of time

>fall down on the floor during a random night
>suddendly you're labeled as someone who "can't take care of himself anymore"
yes and that moment in the movie was very real too

I'm a 40 year old boomer and I've felt this way for the past 20 years

most of them are in such pain and discomfort owing to the fact that their bodies are falling apart that they wish for death, either openly or secretly

>just like deniro at the end of this movie, you'll equally long for the 'heydays' of your life by looking at old photographs and embracing the reality of being out of time

I'm 23 and I already do this

you never had any beauty, you will die alone just as you lived alone

>tfw 33 in 4 days
I can remember my 21st like it was last week, enjoy it zoomers, you'll be me before you know it

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That's what literally everybody that regretted wasting their life thought too

Yes the world is moving on and film/music culture is truly bursting with creativity. I'm sure zoomers are going to produce something culturally profound any day now that will eclipse all that outdated boomer entertainment

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No, I'm a fat degenerate who can drop dead at any moment and I've never feared death.

No I will probably kys myself before I get really old anyways. The world is going to turn into even more of a hellhole in the next 10 years but at lightspeed.

What's different now

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

That's a manufactured artist by jew boomer music execs