Are babyfurs worthy of a documentary?

We did have one about tickling once, so why not?

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only if it's a documentary about killing them

pamperchu already died of baby diaper cancer so unless you can find someone as kino as that faggot and his microwaved burrito shit pants then idk. It'd probably just be too revolting for the common viewer.

Do I even want to know what a babyfur is?

there's the one that got his hands cut off that's pretty kino

Wtf are these used

no, no you do not

At least it can’t be sexual like general furfaggotry right? They’re babies

Didn't Pamperchu have brain cancer?

How is he still alive 10 years later? Does eating poop really cure cancer?

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I hate myself for understanding this shit in an instant despite not knowing the context in its entirety.

that dude was just a bog standard furry who was into S&M not a diaper furry as far as I am aware. But if you did a docu of like... furries et al then yeah you could probably find a few really good kino mines. Hell make it just cover minor sex/fetish cults or something.

You could have an episode about that fag that died because he injected too much silicone into his balls. Would be sweet.

Yeah but he won't admit to what actually happened.

I'd post the tweets where this fat fuck (admits to be over 320lbs) literally smears shit all over his penis (which is pierced so he can also wear a chastity cuck cage on his dick and balls) but I don't want the jannies to get mad and ban me.

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I don’t get it

Kino thread. You can't even post the OP image on Yas Forums anymore.

Weird Weekends era Louis Theroux doing a furry episode would have been peak kino, don't even try to deny it.

>this is a man's son
A healthy, handsome guy in a loving romantic relationship with a beautiful woman and this guy may as well be a different species.

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>puppyskunk cum

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the internet was a mistake
people like this wouldnt even exist without the internet

>white """people"""

Supposedly fell asleep with his hands in a bad of ice, leading to necrosis and amputation
word on the street is he wanted to replace them with paws

>come and join us, user. We're about to enjoy some top notch kino. Get in on top of thos comfy cub pile!

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he has(had) cancer, but it's Hodgkin's lymphoma.
the prognosis is usually very favorable, less than 5% die of that.

In a civilized society people like this would be burned on a stake.

They would, but it would remain a niche sub-culture. They wouldn't have the positive reinforcement that an insulated internet community brings and they wouldn't be nearly as confident in being public with their degeneracy.

Poor, mentally ill man.

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Yeah we used to put them in padded rooms, medicate them and keep them away from society (Especially children)

A group of Chads should strip him naked, drag him out onto the street, beat the shit out of him, and then burn everything to do with his furry identity in front of him. The suit, plushies, diapers, baby clothes, his fury porn art, his dildos. Everything. Then march him back him whilst occassionally whipping him for every NSFW tweet he has made whilst he squeals like the fat pig he is. He is then forced into a boot camp like program to drop the weight and become an upstanding man. This is what should happen to him, for his own sake.

Are there any Black/Latino/Asian diaperfurs or are they almost all exclusively whites?

And animals. I really would be concerned about leaving a dog inside a room of furry diaper faggots.

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There's a black guy called kubbykar that's a diaperfur.

is that why it's giving me an upload error?


huh, thought it was my browser

i would like to die now

ooo why did i click on the shit one

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Does anyone have the other image where one of his friends confirms he died of eating shit?
It was something along the lines of "i'm sorry to confirm this but brownnose pup died due to the complications of eating feces"

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You mean the average soijak poster?

>pamperchu already died of baby diaper cancer
What? Say it ain't so.

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