
Is this show propaganda to turn zoomers gay/feminize white men?

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Jacob Elordi is relentlessly handsome.

That’s a guy, isn’t it?

He’s pretty


>tranny gives false reports to the police and is a sex offender
>gay guys are extremely violent
I don’t think the show was trying to make them look good

>ree only things with a vagina can be visually appealing

I hope you’ve never enjoyed a sunset, incel

Creator: Sam Levinson

you need to realize this is kulturkampf

A sunset is aesthetically pleasing
We don't call a sunset attractive
If you find a man pretty, you're a faggot. It's quite simple

>He’s pretty
He looks like a homelsss woman (male) who sucks dicks behind pubs for pocket change in-between getting high as fuck on his dope of choice.


Sounds hot

you can admit that a man is objectively pretty without being a fag

Lmao sunsets can be pretty you seething incel

Who said ‘attractive’?

That tranny got bummed by some old, married and closeted dude, then chimped out and self harmed with a knife at a party it wasn't invited to.
All within the very first episode.

If that's supposed to be propaganda then it's doing a lousy job.

so how often does this faggot get pegged?

The tranny is presented as something exotic and special
It makes zoomers want to "experiment" with the trannies in their school

Not really
You've just let it go to your head

Experimenting comes down to pump and dump at the end so whatever. Let them get it out of their system at a young age.
But the tranny is presented as properly fucked in the head, as htey tend to be. So there's that.

Not in the way you did

You can actually, if you weren’t such an insecure beta you’d know that, and also not give a fuck. Sorry you’ll never be chad user.

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Traps aren’t gay.

Context matters. A straight man would never acknowledge that a tranny was attractive, even if subconsciously they believed it. Youre gay im sorry man

It can hardly be called propaganda when zoomers are already into this in the first place. The media is just giving them what they want.

It's only gay if you let the trap fuck you.
Dim the lights, make it tuck away the manly parts and doing it doggy is certainly not gay. It's scientifically proven.

The Ancient Romans knew this.

Lol you’re so fucking insecure dude, I think you might be the one struggling with your sexuality and projecting a bit here

I experimented with this ftm tranny sophomore year and he looked like a cute little dyke. I bet I could've gotten him to at least suck my dick but I was too much of a pussy to ask so we just made out for like a month lol. I'm a senior now btw

If homeless dudes looked like that I'd take one in to be my wife (male).

literally gay

but he literally had a vagina and looked like a tomboy

Attached: Hunter Schafer Euphoria S01E01 Pilot [33.16-33.51].webm (1280x720, 3M)