ITT: real life horror kino that should be turned into film

ITT: real life horror kino that should be turned into film

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Delphi murders

There's much more interesting shit that could be made into a movie. This is tame as hell compared to most shit. Do you know how many movies their are about abduction?


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cursed image

>cursed image

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covid-19 The Movie.

What's the one where like, some chick rented a car that broke down, and she was seen by other drivers like looking desperate and needing help, but eventually went missing or dead or something?

I just remember it because of those creepy fucking vids on youtube a year or something after her missing/death uploaded.

ok zoomer

anyone have a picture of her corpse?

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She looks a lot like Winona rider

oh no, how will i ever hop over the light bramble obstructing my escape. he's got me trapped!

>Regina Kay Walters was a 14-year-old runaway
wait, that's a 14 year old?

Ever think how he might have a gun faggot

Rated PG

Original Night Stalker of course

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are those houses inthe background? Fuck it must be horrible to be so close to freedom

this shit is still unsolved
all those fucking cameras and you never see the killer, just her
then she ends up drowned in a water tank
people drink said water that her decomposing body is in

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oh right i forgot she shot to death you fucking moron

Looks more like 24

just barns and farmland in the middle of nowhere.

Or it just wasn't as locked up as a bunch of youtubers claim it was. That water part is fucked tho.

correction: a SEXY fourteen year old

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BPD and cut neck bleed

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Eat my fucking shorts faggot

Murder is more interesting than kidnapping. Especially since the details for the Delphi killings still haven't been released. Hope they catch that fucker. Maybe if you guys keep making threads it'll happen. Kind of like how we had all those threads about the Golden State killer and BAM they find him through DNA

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She was a schizo, it's not that deep

i could kill you with one hand funny enough

>no pictures from the autopsy

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I can't find it spooky anymore after this guy prank called the hotel

Was gonna say Emma Watson, but you're right.

i remember this happening a few days after i watched dark water (japanese version) shit was spooky

Okay kid

What's that from

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chick in mexico found suffocated

lol i fucking schooled your ass and now your all pissy.

she was fucking ugly

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What about that guy who was lost driving and on the phone with his father and he started to get confused and left the car and it sounded like he was running on foot his last heard words were just oh fuck

>On September 29, 1978, Singleton picked up 15-year-old Mary Vincent of Las Vegas while she was hitchhiking in Berkeley, California. He knocked her unconscious with a sledgehammer, spent the whole night raping her, and tortured her by severing both her forearms with a hatchet. Singleton figured she was dead or near death, and he threw her off of a 30-foot cliff on Interstate 5 near Del Puerto Canyon, California, leaving her naked and bleeding out. She was smart enough to stop her bleeding stumps by shoving them into the mud. That suppressed her bleeding while she managed to pull herself back up the cliff. She walked for three miles, naked, covered in blood, and armless, before finding and alerting a passing couple, who took her to a hospital. By the time of Singleton's arrest, Vincent wore prosthetic arms.

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throughout her entire life she never showed signs of mental illness
so you're telling me in one night she just became crazy and drowned herself in a water tank on a roof?

nah just her hair was ugly.
bet she had nice feet

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She looked good with short hair.

Damn, she's a survivor. She's even smiling later on.

I'm gonna fuck your mom kiddo watch out

You'd take a sip from her Korean broth?

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you two seem extremely homo

No seriously, why were people in the 70s and 80s so fucking stupid

>15 year old girl hitchhiking
Yeah that's gonna go over well

Good for her for getting away but jesus Christ

The guy who did that to her was let out after 8 years. He killed a woman in his apartment then.

how'd she get in?


Yes she did. She talked about it all the time on her livejournal or whatever it was

Besides even if she didnt, thats still where the evidence points. You think some Friday the 13th mystery killer did it?

No (and I cannot stress this enough) u

She was a prostitute and mother of 3

so glad she died

>Liberty German
Why do Americans name their kids such retarded shit?

Lmao this nigga looks like a 65 year old woman.

She's German, retard. It's right in her name.

i read this as sissy instead of pissy lol