Is it still the worst series finale in the history of all Yas Forums?
Is it still the worst series finale in the history of all Yas Forums?
Game of Thrones tool its place.
So let me get this straight:
The entire show was just in the head of a random woodcutter in his lunch time?
I did not see it but it sounds like is appropriate. Dexter was never as good as GOT was at their peaks but it sounds like GOT got so much worse in turn that the mere range of quality is enough to take the title.
Mr robot
Worst was true blood
I witnessed my fatfuck of a brother watching this from S1 all the way to this ending and my god it scarred him. I knew this show went to shit around S3 so I bailed out early
Nah. Wasn’t that bad considering the mess the show had become
>actually watching true blood past season 3
breaking bad ending was worse
I remember when it happened and there was a good photoshop of him looking down at a slide on here that would have made that ending a shit load better.
But my thoughts were why didnt he just go to south america and be happy?
Why would anyone watch dexter past season 4?
Lost is a strong contender.
robot machine gun car
Season 7 is my favorite season other than the first 2. 5 is decent, 6 is the worst and 8 has its moments but it's ultimately forgettable
Some people, like myself, are whores for tv shows and it takes a lot to stop watching them.
I can only think of two shows I stopped watching without finishing, Misfits because by the last season there were no original cast members from season 1 and The Walking Dead because it went on way too fucking long and a lot of the main characters were vanishing.
Chuck has a terrible ending
it's a pretty fucking simple device, mythbusters recreated it in their breaking bad episode. if that broke your suspension of disbelief then i think you're too tight wound.
it was just a crank with a battery attached... and he was an educated physicist, so he could easily make it. literally never hear anyone complain about this before
the show sucked for a long time but his punishment was fitting only brainlets didn't get it
absolutely filtered
Diff user here. I didn't have a problem with him making it, but the fact that it so conveniently and selectively killed the right people was a bit much.
someone sum up the plot of the ending, i watched this until doakes death and gave up
Probably not, there are tons of terrible finales out there, but people tend to think of 'the worst' when thinking of beloved shows simply because they hurt more. Honestly with how far down the show had gone it wasn't exactly not fitting. I mean ultimatelywasn't it just him deciding that being a killer put everyone in his life in danger, and the same would be true for his son, so he wanted to end the madness he started by giving his son a clean break with a woman he loved and trusted and then faking his own death?
I get it was a little forced iwth the women he 'trusted', but otherwise honestly whats wrong? Nothing, it is just overwhelming. Or perhaps I don't remember well.
But you can't really say its a terrible finale after like 5 seasons of shitty writing. It wasn't a terrible finale, just a terrible show.
No, he faked his death and then went on to be a woodcutter.
I understand it's a slight stretch, but not egregious and making it the worst ending ever like the user suggested
Dexter Morgan kills some annoying bitch then self exiles instead of running away to live happily w a hot ass murderer and his son.
Why do people think of it as good or satisfying? It was such a bullshit.
>Entire seasons plotline is thrown away one episode before
>Now its just randomly about saving Jesse from random neo nazis because NAZI = BAD!
>The show tries to do what every other finale does: have the main character have a dramatic conversation with each main character on the show
>Unlike other shows there is no valid reason to talk to them, nor is there anything to talk about so his conversation with skylar is just fucking awkward
>They realized he had even less to say to his son so they just had walt masturbate in the car while watching him clib 3 steps for an hour
>Walt ends up saving Jesse with no real struggle or sacrifice, he just uses his magic machine gun car that they saw him building in flashforwards, something the writers admitted they had no idea what they were doing with when they started
>then he dies
It might as well have been avengers endgame, checking all the boxes necessary for a 'finale' without any rhyme or reason for the actual depth explored previously. Frankly ozymandias is thematically a better ending for Breaking Bad.
Remember Dinosaurs ending with everybody dying in a fiery apocalypse? lol
he couldnt stop killing, and being near his son would make him a bad influence and put his son in danger.
the situations are slightly different.
Dexter was an attempt at a standard resolution for a show that needed a clever ending.
GoT was an attempt at a OMG EPIC LITERARY SUBVERSION ending for a story that was already stacked with subversion and needed a more standard ending. It should have boiled down to heroes fighting evil, some of the characters we like sacrifice themselves so we cry, the others start to rebuild, the end.
So the bar was lower for GoT but they still fucked it up.
the neonazis had been part of the show for a while. he was saving jesse from them to redeem himself because he sold jesse out to save his own ass so many times. he talked to skylar because skylar was his fucking wife and he came to terms with what he did and why he did it. his son hated him and wouldn't have wanted to talk to him. the gun has already been discussed and is hardly a dealbreaker unless you're that much of a nitpicky asshole, then he died because he had fucking cancer and he was on a time limit the entire show. if ozymandias is the ending then it's a perfectly acceptable epilogue