What *exactly* did he mean by this?

What *exactly* did he mean by this?

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Women love psychopaths that they think they can 'tame'.

Hence, why the home, with her partner, is statistically the most dangerous place for a woman to be.

the absolute state of women



Sam is just a fat whiny loser though

hybristophilia is fucked up

He killed a white walker, rescued a woman and her child from domestic servitude, and cured a man of greyscale to name a few things

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Sam Tarly is his self insert

>Gets sent to The Wall, where food isn't easy to come by
>He's still fucking fat
He's the Hurley from Lost of Game of Thrones.

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kek. this says it all.

I can translate this into Yas Forums for you:
When did you realise all women are whores? Even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and barely says a word is most definitely a whore

>11 year old with 30 something year old man = romantic and erotic
>11 year old with 40 something year old man = creepy
w*men, everyone

it's a fantasy. You're not going to take it as an absolute statement about men when they fap about mother or sister incest porn

People really just dont get how simpls it is to stop being fat.

So what's the secret

figure it out yourself fattie

Women are not human.

There is no virtue in not doing evil because you are incapable of it. A good man thus cannot be a weak man, who only wears the cloak of good out of necessity.

Which is just one of many reasons why nobody likes weak men.
weak women are fine tho they're just baby-factories anyway so you dgaf

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More importantly, it’s women who read GRRM before the show existed. Basically the equivalent of r9k.

i used to rp back on LiveJournal
these women were the genesis of all the stupid bullshit modern feminism has
they are truly scum

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>There is no virtue in not doing evil because you are incapable of it. A good man thus cannot be a weak man, who only wears the cloak of good out of necessity.
Interesting. They aren't good men, they're just obedient.

Women really do deserve to get beaten by shitty boyfriends and husbands, they more or less select partners who are likely to do it so I'm not sure why they complain about it. It's like deciding to own a pitbull instead of a golden retriever and being upset when it mauls you.

Stop eating carbs.

He meant he's never going to finish the series till a young attractive woman says they find his self-insert appealing.

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To be fair, you do need an extremely low IQ to care about Game of Thrones at all, that's why all of it's audience are pathetic millennials.



not a lot to say
I'm a gay dude who likes nonsexual RP and LJ had a huge community for it
by 2010 it had become ridiculously feminist and people would accuse me of misogyny because my characters weren't interested in sexual relationships with women
the attitude you see today in modern feminism was bred before the 2010's in places like LJ
glad the russians bought it and drove it into the ground
pic related was my OC at the time, basically Excitebike but deeper

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This is fucking hilarious.