For me, it's Karen
For me, it's Karen
Karen really spills my chilli
i just realized she's a brown version of twin peaks' best gril
rest in peace
Rashida Jones cured my racism
I thought it wasnt possible for black women to be hot then she came into my life
Who was in the wrong here?
Women in suits are hawt.
She's not black she's a jew/black mutt
Absolutely cracking arse on her
one drop rule
>she's not black, she's black!
autism in action, lads
Guess she won the right or left thread.
Tell me honestly that you think is black.
>Tell me honestly that you think a black person who looks black is black.
based retard
for me it's Ann Perkins
She doesn't, black women have crispy hair, huge noses, protuding jaw, dark eyes, rashida has none of that
>zazzie beats cured my racism
fixed that for you
She was cute af in I Love You Man
Starts to look like kamala harris desu
Im gonna pass
Source? I can't find good pics
That's why her name is Karen Chillispilli
huge fan of her dad
friken legend
Her father is a faggot who tried to fuck 2Pac.
She's as black as Obama.
based anons know that angela was best girl
Noice one m8.
How many art schools did Karen flunk out of? None, right
That's her mother
Erin was the best girl.
Tupac was gay as fuck, he was about to come out, that's why he was killed.
i usually hate niggers but id eat her pussy just to hear her giggle.
Has this dyke come out as lesbian yet?