How does he know who Jackson Pollock is? How does he know what Jackson Pollock paints?
How does he know who Jackson Pollock is? How does he know what Jackson Pollock paints?
because the joke tested well in the focus groups.
thats the answer to every question about marvel movies.
nigga it was the human from earth who said the jackson pollock joke, dumbass.
And he acted like he understood the reference, ass goblin.
if you saw semen stains depicting any painting at all it would be gross
So when the alien raccoon hears Jackson Polluck he immediately associates it with splatters instead of asking who Jackson Polluck is?
The implication would work even if he didnt know exactly who jackson was you worthless retard. As long as he knows what a blacklight is / how it works and gets what quill is implying with his semen.
Get your fucking autism in fucking check faggot
Nigger, he doesn't even know Jackson Polluck is an artist or that he paints, so it still doesn't work. Now bend over so I can Jackson Polluck your filthy faggot hole.
Again you worthless fucking retard he doesnt need to know who it is. Can you fucking read or is your reading comprehension just as worthless as your logic?
There were likely plenty of ppl in the audience who know about the black lights and cum meme without ever knowing jackson pollock and still got it. If he knows what a painting is and that a black light highlights semen, the super genius Rocket would fully understand what he is implying in the context of their convo. Knowing who Jackson is directly or seeing his work isnt necessary. Didn't I tell you to get your shit in check?
you guys use lots of foul language at very little provocation
Probably the word "painting".
More than likely he would ask who Jackson Polluck was you angry little man.
It loses meaning if you're not familiar with the type of paintings Jackson is known for.
More than likely he wouldn't give a shit, fully understood the joke, and call quill gross. As is what happened retard. You still need me to hold your hand faggot?
>You still need me to hold your hand faggot?
You're squeezing too tight because you're butthurt that I pointed out a joke that doesn't exactly work in your favorite movie.
No it doesn't if he half a brain and gets Pet is saying the shit is sprayed with his cum.
t.never seen a polluck painting
>doesn't work
>Rocket got it
>audience laughed
It falling flat for you is as worthless as your logic
Jackson is known for sprays. Not the typical sterotypical artist. So Starlord created rolling hills and starry nights with his cum?
This is about in the context of the movie. Rocket got it because the script required him to get it.
Actually it doesn't work then either because Quill left earth when he was like 12? 12 year olds in the 70/80s wouldn't know who Jackson Pollock is.
I didn't even know that and yet I still got it. I used "spray" randomly. So it made sense even to me. Case in point, whats your point now again?
Rocket got it because a fucking retard likeCould fully understand it with implication and logic. Nice cope
Thats an actual question that may be valid
Maybe his mother liked Pollock? She seemed the artsy type.
Heh heh angry raccoon go, "WHOOSH".
An alien with no concept of human culture would not get the joke, only possibly the black light and semen part, but not the Jackson Polluck part.
I love how hard up you are on defending this joke as if your life depended on it.
No not really
Very well a possibility. Quill makes references to plenty of things he shouldn't know unless he was just a complete know it all sponge kid
Peter was a child when he was taken from Earth. how would he know who jackson pollock was?
BECAUSE it tested well with the focus groups. Why cant you understand this?
The alien needs to onow what a painting is. That quill is implying the ship is sprayed with cum everywhere. And that a blacklight highlights it. He doesnt need to know who the fucking random painter is if he is smart enough to put everything together. What you really love is me correcting your dumbass because you never get it at home. And ill gladly learn your ass faggot
Who the fuck is Jackson Pollock?
If he doesn't know the type of painting that Jackson Polluck does then he isn't going to get the emphasis on splatters, therefore the cum joke falls flat and he would more than likely wonder who the fuck Jackson Polluck is. But keep going on a tantrum because I though a joke fell flat. It's actually very amusing.
The fact that i didn't know who Jackson Pollock was when i watched this movie for the first time, and understood the joke (that blacklight would reveal semen stains all over the ship) proves that rocket could understand what he was saying without knowing who jackson is. Rocket responded with "You got issues" because quill basically confessed to jacking off all over the ship and not cleaning up the stains, not because he understood the jackson refrence. If a friend told me that a blacklight would make his room look like a Jackson Pollock painting (and i didn't who tf that was) i would also respond with something similar like "that's gross" "that's fucked up"
There is no "emphasis" on splatters. Quill neber mentioned splatters. He mentioned what the place would look like if he had a blacklight. If rocket knows how blacklights work and the cheeky nature of his tone he would get he is saying his cum is everywhere. Period. Quil implying it looks like an earth painters work is irrelevant. He got the context of quill saying his cum is everywhere and called him gross. Try again retard