Catfish Jesus

Is this show real?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Over 10,000lbs
>Ugly as sin
>Still out a whore when she's being a whore

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imagine there's a human skeleton in there somewhere


Holy fuck I can't believe one of you madlads managed to catfish a Yas Forums janny.

I'm pretty sure the skeleton was defeated a long time ago, the flesh took over and reigns as a monarch

Op found the trailer footage for the American Romeo and Juliet remake.

Is he going to eat her?

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>they give him a chair in the parking lot

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its great when the catfish is an unapologetic piece of shit. fucking dumbass normalfags.

Willingly goes on national television to be humiliated and doesn't sue for the profit made on their likeness. Yeah, I'm sure it's real.

>We've created a chair that singlehandedly supports his weight
has science gone too far?


What the hell? you bros told me that the quality of the hairline was everything but yet somehow that Norwood 1 mega chad is having issue getting pussy?

What gives bros

This nigga is fat. Fatty fatty fat fat. Fat. Fat fat fatty fat. FAT. FAT. FAT.

Jabba the mutt

Jesus, I need you to lose 60 pounds, in the next month.

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but doctor I've done EVERYTHING

The diet doesnt work, I still gained weight

As an Ausfag I'm completely baffled how people Amerilards can get that fucking fat willingly.

You'd have to be ingesting well over 5000 calories a day. The second I noticed I had started getting pudgy in my stomach I hit the gym straight away to quell that shit.

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goddamn he is dummy thicc af

What a disgusting tub of shit. Obese people should be executed

>Obese people should be executed
Even based Ed?

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>Obese people should be executed
that means half of the american population should be executed

well lockdowns been pretty nice so i wouldnt mind that

Poor skelly, probably in agony.

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We're overdue for a culling. It would also mean over 60% of the middle east would executed. Tons of people everywhere. We should include china, africa and India just because there's too many of them anyway.

Thinning the herd, literally

They were obviously coaxing him to a Super 8 motel with cute girls so their cartel friends could cut him open and stuff hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs inside him

Goddamn Mexicans are disgusting.

Well if you were following the diet you would be losing weight, how you explain this?