ITT we talk about chess
Yas Forums chess thread
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all women are whores, even the quiet one at the back of chess class, she is absolutely a whore
t. incel
you know, i do not know her sexual life, so I can't answer you.
Do you know some good films about chess ? The only one I saw was crap.
Based. You faggots should stream.
For the nigger that won against me
is a bullet rating of 2000 to 2100 on lichess good after 5 years of casually playing? i basically only do bullet
Bobby Fischer Against The World
Threadly reminder that masturbating is degenerate.
>best player maybe ever
>was redpilled af
magnus is too
No it's not.
Threadly reminder I already blew you the fuck out and you stopped replying.
I wonder if Morphy was also a trump supporter?
Magnus > everyone else
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
Really not a lot of good chess films but this one is casually entertaining and the cast is good.
Not going to bother replying to someone who's so dead set on not changing their sick mind.
fight me
what do you guys enjoy most about chess?
Turn based games are gay. We need a Chess Remastered with real time combat.
can you do 3 min?
idk hang on
Sticking the pieces up my asshole, mostly.
regular 3 min? dont wanna take too much time
Anyone watch Ben finegold or Eric Rosen?
Great chess videos
Also what's your favorite opening as white?
For me, it's the London system
fuck kikes and idk openings by name
what is this?
Hey bud, I'm willing to change my mind if you give me concrete evidence that kikes and later Christians (in the US because of one guy whose name alludes me for some reason) didn't cut dicks just to prevent masturbation and premarital sex. Do the kikes want it or do they not?
play me racists
rarted black missed easy checkmate ages ago
I like the aggressive style of Ben Finegold. But my fav chess ytber is Suren.
libtard just got mated in 4
Eludes, not alludes. Fucking hell. I knew I had the wrong word. That's embarrassing. Good thing we're on an anonymous bbc worship forum.
Bangkok, oriental setting
And the city don't know
What the city is getting
The creme de la creme of
The chess world in a show
With everything
But Yul Brynner.
play me incels