>*ruins Stranger Things 3 in your path*
Hey, nothin’ personnel white boi.
*ruins Stranger Things 3 in your path*
Leave it to netflix to ruin a great series because they have to be politically correct 24/7 and add a black person for no reason at all just cause MUH REPRESENTATION
as if blacks and whites even hung out in the same friend groups during the time the series supposedly takes place
I never liked Stranger Things anyways. Kids can't fucking act.
>but muh goonies
Fuck you.
What's the chances that she's gonna be a dyke that gets psychic powers and fuck the Indian girl with psychic powers?
>watching stranger things past s1
>Kids can't fucking act.
That wasn’t really an issue in season 1.
Sweet tapdancing Christ
What the fuck were they thinking? Also the first 2 episodes were fucking horrible, I wanted to turn them off every 2 minutes but suffered through. It felt like some cringe sitcom. Like when they went shopping. And the constant blasting of garbage music. WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING? The whole season was nothing new like the second one. It was just unnecessary but now they will milk this shit to death.
i liked her performance
>muh sexism journalists
>dude the mindflayer is a big flesh monster now lol
>fuckin magnets amirite?
>muh lesbian that everyone loves
>dude he said the line from die hard did you get it?
>fireworks cause critical damage to eldritch monsters lol
>hey hey dude did you watch the neverending story?
>dude hopper's dead it's so sad wait no he's not lol
the kid was annoying but she was the least of S3's problems
dude the shopping scene was totally necessary because it shows how 11 is coming out of her shell and becoming her own person!
oh wait we had scenes like that in S1 and S2 and now it just looks like she changes her personality completely based on who's nicest to her, whoops
She was fine, you're a racist asshat. But please, continue to ragepost about the people and things you hate.
And what was up with the red head girl? Did they decide since everyone already hated her that they could make her character even worse?
I dropped it after season 2.
It was already pretty bad with that toothless mutt.
This is why we need virtual actors.
It's always the same story, actors start to get famous and get pushy and make requests that producers accept while negotiating contract renewal, usually involving bigger roles for their friends which ultimately have to be fitted into narrow plots. A series start with few major good characters and finishes with dozen bad ones.
She couldn't do anything to the series the producers didn't already.
Season 3 was way better than the shitty season 2.
She dabs on commies. Seems pretty based to me.
>kids can't fucking act
Number 5 from umbrella academy wants to know your location
Every time I saw a nigger do math instead of chimping the fuck out bitching about "teachers bein raysis an shiet with these mufuggun algebras" my suspension of disbelief was shattered.
t.assblasted commie
Sassy negress enrages the white man.
Not to mention character assassinating everyone anybody liked.
Did the directors insist that Hopper shout like a retard in every scene?
This little shit actually looked evil. As if so much potent malice was bottled up within it.
>writers cuck steve
>people only like him more
>becomes the fan favorite after eleven
>is the most heroic person on the show
Based Steve is the only likeable character on this shit show
I liked it.
The worst part is season two had 11 develop her powers, then season 3 just took them all fucking away and made her a fucking non-character the entire season. Total bullshit. Season 2 gave 90s era X-Men feels for a few episodes. And then it was gone.
Him and El are the only characters I care about anymore, because they're the only characters that weren't destroyed in S3.
She was fine. Finn was terrible.
Why do niggers dress their girls like toddlers? The braids and beads and shit are just covering up the nasty nappy hair?
He’s calmer than you are
I was actually legitimately annoyed by how awful he was in S3, because Mike was one of my favorite characters in the first two seasons.
Either he lost his talent with puberty or he was just phoning it in really hard, I haven't decided which.
>Kids can't fucking act.
I never bothered with anything past S1 and it sounds like I made the right choice.
Well in the end she won’t get free ice cream for life because Steve and the dyke no longer work at scoops ahoy
I would just like this time to remind Yas Forums that I had a black gf that would pay for my dinner then call me massa while I fucked her, and you can too, fellas.
idk i found it kinda funny how they implemented the sassy black woman with a kid
you're being overcritical dude, it was the 80s, it was just body host made from thousands of rats and people didn't kill it off, how do they work, and have you ever had a firework blown up on you?