Why didn't Robb Stark just marry her?

Why didn't Robb Stark just marry her?

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because all of the other fucking freys were hideous and he had no idea she existed. also talisa was hot.

Show Rob choosing some foreign thot is in the running for stupidest decision made by any character. At least in the books he was high as fuck on milk of the poppy and the girl’s mother was actually masterminding the whole thing.

He needed to act like a total retard because the plot demanded it. GoT (the TV show) is full of moments like these.

He saw the other daughters first and they were average looking and he saw the hot nurse and followed his dick and didn’t see OP pic until his uncle had to marry her. Rob broke a promise to the Freys for some pussy. I mean wouldn’t you?

>Show Rob choosing some foreign thot is in the running for stupidest decision made by any character.
It's a jewish trope that (((david))) and (((dan))) intentionally inserted into the story. The notion of the "foreign" seductress who subverts/undermines a king/great man and leads him to his downfall. The fact that they used a very Jew-y actress to play the part is also no accident.

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Because he was written to be retarded. He could've married a Frey, won the war, and kept Talisa as a mistress.

he was moron and didn't take monarchy seriously. Marrying for pacts is easily number 1 reason

He was honestly too good looking for all these women


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Because guys never go for the sweet shy girl first. They go for the big butt slut with HPV that look like they could suck the paint off a door knob. Then when she dumps him he will come go give the sweet girl HPV.

>Sweet girl
Is this the roastie version of "I'm a nice guy"?

>I mean wouldn’t you?
Some of the redheaded Freys where serviceable.
He was also a retard because as a male born into nobility, he could fuck on the side as much as he'd want, as long as he kept in on the (official) low. But no, muh honor.

Lol, femcel.

IRL they all are not only subpar looking, but tend to have a MASSIVE chip on their shoulder that makes them undateable even if you would overlook the shitty looks if they were a genuinely nice girl.

I know right

Yeah, I know the exact sort.


I've met a few genuinely unattractive girls that got screwed over by genetics. No amount of dieting, styling or whatever would have made them hot, but they alle were so genuinely great as a person that that alone made them more attractive.

Something that femcels will never understand.
Or incels as well as this applies even harder to men.

The problem with guys like you is that you're shallow and you dont give girls a chance. Its when you all say these things online that cause rapes to happen.

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Is this bait?

Also bitch I've dated girls that were considered the uglies of their peer groups.
Short, pudgy and moon faced. Or pear shaped with pot bellies and white hips, but no ass or tits and the fashion sense of a 40yo office worker. Why? Because they were awesome people.
But I will tell off any stupid cunt who can't deal and externalizes her insecurities onto me, be it a 10/10 or a 1/10.

life is a constant struggle between:
>i hate everything women are and stand for
>im so horny people are gonna pay

>accusing men of being shallow
Really gets the noggin joggin

Cunts like you will go through the dating history of a guy and flip on him for the crime of having any hot exes, lol.

>Is this obvious bait post with obvious pic related bait?
>I've dated girls that were considered the uglies of their peer groups.
>Why? Because they were awesome people.
Get a load of this fucking retard

>The notion of the "foreign" seductress who subverts/undermines a king/great man and leads him to his downfall.
I don't get it, so they are based and redpilled?

Yes, Mr. incel, you were saying?

>I don't get it, so they are based and redpilled?
No. Perhaps I wasn't clear. It's a jewish folk tale / historical larp where the seductress who ruins the great leader IS A JEW. They're basically celebrating being nation wreckers.

He didn't marry her because he was already married. I guess it could be assume she was used as a prop to bring the Stark families guard down during the red wedding.

Get help

why didn't walder just show robb stark this lass instead of letting him think he was going to be marrying some ugly slag?

His mom literally implied to Rob she was fugly

>random, generic, snarky non-sequitur meant to discredit post that is otherwise not discreditable on the merits
These are my favorite kinds of impotent reddit replies.