Turn the light off before I go to sleep

>Turn the light off before I go to sleep
>One minute later it turns itself back on
Do you guys believe in ghost stories?

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Now go back to sleep.

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>he dosen't rape the ghost

It's not a ghost. Some Chinese hacker is just messing with your Phillips Hue

>put PC to sleep
>get in bed, turn off lights, nearly dozed off
>PC fan fires up for a few seconds then shuts off again

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again, these are Chinese hackers, not ghosts!

here this comfy moobie will help

It was the Jews.

My tv turns itself back on several times a week, but it's connected to the internet so it's probably just those pesky chinese hackers.

>try to go to sleep
>someone keeps constantly whispering my name in my ear for next 4 hours

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You best start believing in them

>finally get a ghost demon GF
>can't fuck her

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>computer turns on for no reason constantly
>forced to shut it down

i hate this re-run

imagine being a ghost and having to watch some fat nerd sit at his computer jerking off for 14 hours a day

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Windows Updates

>turn light off before bed
>computer randomly boots up

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>watch some fat nerd sit at his computer jerking off for 14 hours a day
at this point why would I have a problem it, sounds like the ghost is into it

>get ready to sleep
>turn every light off
>computer fans suddenly rev up

>he doesnt knock himself out with booze every night to fall asleep
I literally cannot remember the last time I turned the light off, laid my head on the pillow and thought "Now it's time for a good night's sleep". Its been years.

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Almost made me click

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Even nights i don't drink I just pass out, I don't understand the concept of sleepyness unless im sick

God I fucking hate frogposters

>almost fall asleep
>tv keeps turning on by itself
>after 4th time im freaking out
>suddenly get an idea
>lift pillow up
>see remote i was laying on
>throw remote on floor and get in bed
>tv turns on again

I've never had any visual hallucination but auditory hallucination can come to me whenever I try to sleep when I'm ultra tired
It's mostly feels like a rush of air into my ears and having my name called

Pretty fucking much

I've seen some shit. Back inn my early twenties I had a gonzo f2f who believed in all that shit, I moved into a big frat style house with all my buddies and we were all early 20s then but had a few older buds. Like we crammed 8 people in ab4 bedroom. But my girl wouldn. always talk about the stairs and how she felt very weird there.
Alright whatever I'm not super into it but she was the best Fuck of my life so I ran with it.
One night up late after everyone was in bed I noticed my old school door knob turning. I opened the door and nothing
Closed it and it kept happening. I eventually recorded it on mutt creative labs webcam blaster 3 or whatever the Fuck the called it then, maybe video blaster 3. Fuck you can look it up. But I showed all my roommates in the morning. I had put horizontal masking tape before recording and it was the fucking craziest thing. I wholesome that door so many times during the night. No one was there. All doors shut, some snoring. I can never figure out what was happening that night

I've had a couple visual hallucinations the first few seconds of waking up (usually just hundreds of mice in my closet or that 10 foot shadow entity in a pale white gown that frequently visits me), they have a term for it iirc. I'm not referring to sleep paralysis but when I have those I don't get any hallucinations but sometimes I have a 6th sense that something is watching me. This could all be caused by delirium tremens however.

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Yeah you can easily brush that off with your brain and shit
My most pants shitting moment was when I was closing down my office and I saw someone slumping over the break room, I was gonna wake the guy up but everything instinct that I had told me to fuck off right away

Well that's a thought I won't be able to get out of my head. Are there at least ghost pussies mixed into that?

There is a logical explanation as to why your light turned back on.

What does this have to do with TV and Films?

>I saw someone slumping over the break room
spooky. could have been a qt3.14 ghost girl tho.

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He didn't flip it all the way, and tension forced it out of the middle position back to on

Whats that old movie about the woman who gets raped by a poltergeist called?

I've had spooky visual hallucinations after and during sleep paralysis. Also this one time I was vacationing with some friends in a house we rented on a remote beach village, I vividly felt a presence watching me one night when I was in the house alone. Could've been my mind playing tricks on me but literally across the street there was an old cemetery so that has stuck with me.