Kinos that really make you think?
Kinos that really make you think?
Because telling some snow niggers about Our Lord and Savior Jesu Christ dying for their sins KNOWING that they won't believe you and then subsequently be damned to eternal pain and suffering in the lakes of fire is one of the most based and redpilled things you can possibly do.
This. Who the fuck wants snowniggers in Heaven?
Dumb argument. Christians are expected to spread the good word.
That's actually a good point
This is why limbo/purgatory exists.
That's the devil's work if I ever knew it. Enjoy hell user
Damn.... Maybe God was the bad guy all along..
shows you how ignorant eskimos are.
Because without accepting Christ as your savior you cannot go to heaven. Even as a virtuous pagan you’d only go to limbo.
>it's a "God spreads his message to a shitty ass desert and completely forgets about the 99% of the population spread around the rest of the world" episode
Because you wouldn't go to heaven.
>Because without accepting Christ as your savior you cannot go to heaven. Even as a virtuous pagan you’d only go to limbo.
>God lets you go to heaven if you didn't know
>If all religion was erased then everyone would go to heaven
Roman's 1 tells us that our inherent knowledge of Gods laws are sufficient for condemnation, but not salvation.
Daily reminder that no Eskimo has ever been able to refute this.
Papist be gone!
How else would whites cope with their atrocities over the past 500 years?
I concur, also fuck jannis
is limbo that bad?
Arctic Canada is basically purgatory anyways so it's not really a loss for the Inuit.
Eskimo will be alright. It's all fiction anyway. Heaven, hell, and limbo are no more real than Whoville
based and christpilled
so did all the chinks and natives unlucky enough to be born outside the communication range of Jesus just not have souls or what
It's simple, even if you don't know about god and sin, you can still lead a virtuous life.
>have literally no way of knowing something
>be an unbaptized infant that dies
>fuck you enjoy limbo, assholes
Also, limbo was made up by the Catholic church to extort people for more money, and this is well known to the the point the church has long removed it from its doctrines. Also hell doesn't exist. Also heaven. This is not saying there isn't an afterlife or a God/gods, but the rest of the concepts are blatantly man-made and plagued with paradoxes that make the omnipotent seem incompetent.
"In this moment I am euphoric..."
>saves all your eskimos from eternal damnation