What does the future hold for talented young actor and Bristol “It Girl” Margaret Constance "Maisie" Williams?
What does the future hold for talented young actor and Bristol “It Girl” Margaret Constance "Maisie" Williams?
Why are British women so fucking ugly?
How did she turn so ugly fast bros? She literally looks like Sid the sloth from Ice Age.
What was the purpose of this photo-shoot?
Hard to say what will happen with an actress who hit the wall before she made it big
if she's savvy, she'll take a supporting role in a few oscar-bait movies. she probably won't have a serious career beyond that because she isn't very good.
I'm not holding any further debates on British actresses until Emma Watson apologises for that damn car!
so it's fine for shit like this to happen but the single second I call mexicans gay everything is off the rails, OK, sure
>someone had to retouch that pusy
I want to lick her minge!
Jesus bong females are ugly af
I feel sorry for those British girls in GOT. They were so adorable as kids and now they're...well, not kids anymore. Let's just leave it at that.
user just say you're a pedo, stop dancing around it
Turner is passable with heavy makeup. Williams on the other hand is fucking disgusting even with heavy photoshop.
Good eye detective. It appears as though there was some lip action going on
Except for Stella Cox.
Are you talking about Sophie turner? Passable? Lol that’s way too generous
She’s hideous
If I saw her in public I would bash her face in
No, I'm really not. The exact opposite happens to Japanese people. They are repulsive as children and come into their own as adults.
Maisie doesn’t need to apologize for anything but stealing scenes and hearts. Cute, funny, talented, down to earth.
she's offensively ugly
She's not that bad. 3-4/10 maybe.
Japanese people are repulsive as children and even more repulsive as adults
How could they fuck up casting so badly? They could've done some research on what her parents and adult relatives turned out to look like
she looks like a wide receiver with this wide as fuck shoulders and her face is like amouranth
In Bongland this is easily a 9. Easily.
Her body is linebacker tier but like you said her face isn't awful.
She's high fashion pretty, so conventionally not appealing but has good features associated with attractiveness.
Is this bait? Japs are fucking hideous. I've been there twice.
Her being from Bristol would explain quite a few things, they're all fucking inbred bumpkins down there.
> Incels in this thread pretending they wouldn't fuck her brains out while making her say funny shit in a bong accent
low T larping
Have you seen Twice?
This. She's a 4-5/10 in the Netherlands or Sweden, but a 9 in Bongland.
Only if they dress up like they're from the 80's first.
I've never been Japan but all the confirmed Japs I know in the U.S. are pretty cool people with ugly kids.
that photo is fucked, it looks like child porn.