/MCU/ General

Just finished watching all the MCU films. Marvel Cinematic Universe? No. Marvel KINOmatic Universe.

Why does Yas Forums hate it so much? The movies are enjoyable. There are no faggots that I can remember. There's very little racial bullshit, and that originated in the comics themselves. Disney didn't invent Wakanda.

Sure, some of the actors are annoying as shit IRL but that's always going to be the case. Actors are mostly retards. Doesn't detract from the movies.

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if those are your metrics for a good film then it's no wonder you like Marvel

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Green skin is not kino.
Few exceptions but that's the rule.

Fuck me, I meant to say green screen

I wrote "The movies are enjoyable." Yes, that's my metric for a good film. Is there some other metric I should be using? Are you one of those art house faggots?

cringe and bluepilled

still, FUCK hulk

Seething DCuck

There's no other way to convey the visuals of comic books set in outer space and on other planets. Green screen is the only option unless you want every planet to look like Earth a la Star Wars and Star Trek.

you're an adult who unironically watches toy commercials.

But it's not only about space.
I mean look at this shit right here.
It's all fucking fake, it's all CG.
That's not kino. That's just video game cutscenes.

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What toys was I being sold in the MCU line of films? I must have missed that.

>It's all fucking fake, it's all CG.

Do you actually think there's a way to do Spider-Man with practical effects and it not look utterly retarded? You gonna build us some real life web shooters, fren?

All of them. Ever wonder why the most popular heroes get a new suit every movie?
Fucking retard

So what?

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Raimi films were 99% practical.

Nothing wrong with a little merchandising my friend.

Comic films are popular in the box office for the same reason the source material was popular on news stands and has been for close to 100 years now. The stories are quality, no not the same quality as Schindler's List, Fiddler on the Roof, or Ordinary people, but as you'll never be able to realize, much better than 90% of art house faggotry.

Oh bullshit. Raimi used almost as much CGI as MCU. His movies didn't call for as much because there were fewer fight scenes and weirdo planets and whatnot.

MCU films do not exist to sell toys. They aren't shitty Transformers movies.

He didn't use as much CGI because the technology at the time, but just the same, his Spider-Man looks way better, even considering how much the technology behind those films has aged.

>Nothing wrong with a little merchandising my friend.
In art? Yes, there is.
>Comic films are popular in the box office for the same reason the source material was popular on news stands and has been for close to 100 years now.
Superhero comics were made to sell bubble gum ads. Capeshit comics have reached the point of art maybe a handful of times in their hundred years existence, and only when a writer has been given free rein over the story (something that has never happened in the MCU and never will happen).
I used to read superhero comics while growing up. Then I reached adulthood. Capeshit is for children and complete retard consumerists exclusively.

You know what did exist to sell toys though? Secret Wars, they made it primarily to sell toys, but a lot of great Marvel story line's have to do with these issues.

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Congratulations Joker on winning the most pretentious award

As I initially suspected. You're some kind of arthouse faggot who whines about writers having creative control and gay shit like that.

Fun fact: The people putting up the money have had 100% creative control over almost every movie and TV ever made. That will never change, nor should it. You want to live in a world of Freddie Got Fingereds. No thanks.

Dont worry op, theres plenty of us who enjoy mcu. 90% of the people who spew "capeshit" spam are DC fans aka retarded or just trolls who secretly watch EVERY SUPER HERO MOVIE.

That's the most retarded view in the world, capeshit has a lot of cultural value, which is why everyone from the neurosciences to professors of literature enjoy it.

You take things at the caricature of their superficial face value and then hope that your whiny little shitpost will make some brainlet feel bad about reading comics.

Based and redpilled.

Did you skip every scene with green goblin?

He apparently thinks they actually built a real flying goblin glider.

>which is why everyone from the neurosciences to professors of literature enjoy it.
>capeshit has a lot of cultural value
It has value when analyzed through a critical lens as a means to understand our fucked up retarded society better, yes.
Even the all time most important and greatest capeshit writer has condemned superheroes as childish nonsense, and his only interest in pursuing them is for satirical purposes.
>your whiny little shitpost will make some brainlet feel bad about reading comics
Comics are a brilliant medium, though admittedly rarely utilized appropriately. I have nothing against comics. Superhero comics are different. I've probably read way more than you have growing up, I know how fucking terrible they are.

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Hello seething department???????

looks bretty gud tbqh

>Comics are a brilliant medium, though admittedly rarely utilized appropriately.

KEK what? Should comic books be about people getting divorces and Shakespearean plays or something?

first of all what is wrong with either of those brainlet?
Secondly you realize there's more that exists between Shakespeare and bang bang pew pew blue suit guy beats red suit guy, right? Read Essex County or Megg Mogg and Owl or Frank or any Milligan and McCarthy book or if you struggle so much with anything that doesn't have men in tights or robot suits in it then read Moore's Swamp Thing. You absolute pleb.

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I suppose you think only kids told stories about Hercules and Jason and real adult greekoids grew out of it?