ITT: Actors you think deserve a second chance

ITT: Actors you think deserve a second chance

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That tall white nigga from Shawshank. What happened to that dude?

Yas Forums mostly liked Under the Silver Lake.

Yeah but the average person didn't see it, or if they did it flew completely over their heads. Good movie, not exactly what you'd call a career saver.

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second chance in what sense? this guy was zuck's dupe eduardo saverin (perfect) then he was spiderman (???) then he was supposed to be a priest in Silence and he ruined the whole movie

Edward Furlong

He was based in hacksaw ridge

>>dated best emma at her peak
>>got paid to wear custom underoos in a the few scenes the stunt guy can’t do
Maybe he can win the powerball next

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he would've been a much better scott pilgrim than michael cera ever could've

No. No more jews.

Spacey did nothing wrong.

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Spacey did everything wrong. Fuck that creepy pedophile.

He’s a faggot

He was good in that Mel Gibson movie.

I'd cast him as my boyfriend

We can all be stubborn.

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Hes a pedophile because a 17 year old in a bar pretended to be 18, hit on him, grabbed Spaceys dick and bragged to hia friends about it?

Weird flex but ok

>weird flex
Go back underage mutt

It was kino but wasn't mainstream

She can have a second chance once she apologizes.

wtf thats illegal in the US?

you can fuck anyone 16+ in europe

Absolutely this.

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ok kev

18 is jew york and commiefornia, majority of the us is 16/17

he won't have a 2nd chance. he's associated now with Mel, he fucked up

i have no sympathy for fags and i hope they all die in aids but that fucking guy was looking for ways to cash in on spacey

This but unironically.
Lucas' incompetent scriptwriting already ruined the prequel trilogy. There's no reason we should let it ruin an great actor's career.

>told the ceo of sony to gtfo after her organised a gigantic party with thousands of guests and prese bwcause the little baby was “too tired”
What the fuck was he thinking?

I look forward to Kevin Spacey's collab with Andy Dick, the hit new Sci-Fi Comedy caper, "A Dick in the Bush". Andy Dick and Kevin Spacey play two scientists + time travelers who have to travel back to 1991 to stop George H. W. Bush from throwing up on the Prime Minister of Japan!

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