>challenge Ezra Miller to a dance fight
>try to laugh it off like it’s no big deal
>can’t even lose gracefully
Absolutely disgusting. Why do we tolerate plebeians?
>challenge Ezra Miller to a dance fight
>try to laugh it off like it’s no big deal
>can’t even lose gracefully
Absolutely disgusting. Why do we tolerate plebeians?
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if ezra miller brushed past me in the street i would shower myself afterwards
Why doesnt he just go back to Better Than Ezra? You get away with this shit as a rock n roller.
I would rush home and jerk off
>A crew member for The CW’s The Flash confirmed Miller’s serious drug problem and alleged that both cast and crew were warned about their temperament and behaviour when they guest starred on CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths.
>“The studio warned us about his behaviour,” The Flash crew member said. “Ezra came in as a surprise guest this season and we were literally warned about him before he came to set.” The crew member continued, “And they were right. He arrived hours late to the set because he was busy getting high in his trailer. He didn’t know his lines, let alone where he was.” Ezra was reportedly ‘completely out of it,’ and could barely stand on his own two feet. “Ezra was high out of his mind stumbling around, and could hardly deliver his lines. We did countless takes for every line of dialogue. We were shocked at his state despite being warned, couldn’t believe someone like that could be working successfully in the industry at this point.”
>The editing team had a difficult time with the footage of Ezra in his cameo role as the Justice League’s The Flash in the CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths, and despite their efforts you can still clearly tell that Ezra is on drugs just by looking at how dilated his pupils are.
i know, you poor fucker
What drugs is he doing IRL? Other than weed
probably pills
Because simps prevent the rightful genocide of the female cancer.
Ketamine or ecstasy
I’d love to get fucked up with him
>Ezra has a drug problem
I'm fucking SHOCKED.
We aren't with him you retard, nobody fucking knows
Yeah me too.
Hours long drug-hazed sex marathon.
someone's gotta post it
how come girls fall like bowling pins? They never try to stop their falls with arms or legs. Even this take down wich was on slow mo kek
honestly the gayest "takedown" I have ever seen
women are weak
>get signed to play a major character in what's being set up to be a rival to the MCU
>get your head deeply & firmly stuffed up your own ass
>think you're going to become a huge star
>whole thing turns to shit
>cinematic universe gets cancelled
>your own solo movie(s) get cancelled
>reduced to fucking cameos on CW shows
I mean I'm not saying it's not unprofessional as fuck, but I "get" it.
A fag with a drug problem? No way!
He just never should have signed on for Flash at all, it was a mistake.
Why did pinkguy do this?
Really, anybody in his position would've been brain dead to turn it down. Absolutely no way to know just how bad of a botch job it would turn into all around.
how dare you be so racially-wait no-gender? hang on - so fucking homophonics about it you racist bastard.
Snyder sweet-talked him into it over the phone
He's not even bad in the Harry Potter spin-off movies, that character is fitting for him but he's just not a family-friendly superhero actor
This . The industry is a cutthroat.
dude is fucked up and the extent of it will probably not be apparent for a while
yeah with the money and names no way you turn that down. no way.
>he's just not a family-friendly superhero actor
A decent point. But you can never really know what your range actually is without trying to expand on it, and there's not many people who can turn down a dump truck full of money & a seemingly easy path to huge success.
People are gonna forget about this shit and he’ll still be in movies
All of the Jews or fags this has happened to did fine, it’s only if you’re white or Republican that you get blacklisted
I just don't not want to see him in movies anymore
Yeah, it sucks.
Captain Hindsight is a bitch though.
You're a freak
To be honest it doesn't look like he's joking around.
I doubt he is, what probably happened is he felt threatened so autism and drug-induced paranoia kicked in and he went apeshit and overreacted
Should have just naruto-ran the fuck out of there