Jojo rabbit

Should I watch this? I’m a Yas Forums level nazi. Will this trigger me!

Attached: 8D924D6A-59DB-4B81-9550-B034273C76F6.jpg (317x475, 33.05K)

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It's just a comedy bro don't take it seriously

No. It humanizes nazis and it’s a sweet movie all in all

Just know the agenda is “the Holocaust was bad do you remember?”
Also Sam Rockwell is a gay nazi

Jews are so obsessed with WW2 and the Holodomor that they make a movie about it every single month

post dancing webm of them BOTH and than leave.
I never saw the film i just wanna see the wholesome dancing.

It wasn't good or bad just kind of pointless for the most part, even so it triggers every single Yas Forumsfag

I don’t know what you’re talking about
Maybe someone else post it

more like Jojo Reddit

Just watch the first 5 minutes for the few funny parts. The rest is a boring buildup to nothing.

Sam Rockwell is based as always, worth watching the whole thing

1 or 2 funny moments, every other joke tries too hard and falls flat

Yas Forumsacks are incapable of enjoying anything

"Look Who's Back!" was way better

>I’m a Yas Forums level nazi

Then hopefully you will identify with the kid, since you seem to have a childish mind. So yeah watch it. Another thing you could do that would be of benefit to humanity is hang yourself, that's a good option if you don't follow Jojo in renouncing your retarded ideology

>Claims to be Yas Forums
>Doesn't exclusively watch films made in Third Reich on Bithchute

Not OP. Could you please recommend some?
I've only watched Triumph of the Will so far

It's mom-tier and boring. No one will remember it.

It's a movie about NatSoc Germany made by Jews. You can't go into it expecting something even close to objectivity.

One thing the kikes did get right is that little Anglo teenager that plays the Jew. She's hot as fuck. 10/10, would hide in my wall.


Quite a mouth you got there, mister

>hitler bad lamo

exept Yas Forumstards

>Rebel Wilson

Sister recommended it to me, it was very forgettable. The fat kid was hilarious though, just watch a compilation of him instead of watching the movie.

Attached: 1512076984292.png (269x255, 18.26K)

Lol, remember when they had a guy dressed like Hitler walk around Germany to promote the movie and people were running up to him to shake his hand and hug him?

Attached: 1529575024827.jpg (432x432, 224.5K)

Why watch yet another movie where kikes whine about muh 6 trillion? I watched Das Boot tonight (3.5 hour director's cut) and enjoyed it immensely, go watch that if you have not seen it.

It will probably hit a nerve.

Attached: rentefritt.webm (800x432, 2.86M)

hitler literally living rent free in jews heads

The insane levels of projection here, kek.

>dude have a movie change your ideology lmao
so you're basically admitting its propaganda

With jews (in your attic), you lose. what could be wrong with that?

correct but only because we are right