He didn't retire so good

>The former C.E.O. thought he was riding into the sunset. Now he’s reasserting control and reimagining Disney as a company with fewer employees and more thermometers.

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>After the main threats of the pandemic have passed, Iger still expects to end traditional practices such as hosting annual advertiser upfront presentations and producing pilots for new shows that might not air.
>Disney is also expected to occupy less office space in the future.
they're fucked

Many firms are going to ban the practice of shaking hands. Jazz hands will be the new big thing.

>Somehow, Bob Iger has returned

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I think boomers will hold onto shaking hands but everyone else will want it to go away. I agree, I hate shaking hands, who knows where they’ve been. Also I hope social distancing remains a thing, I hate when I’m in line and some cuck is breathing down my neck. Now I have a way to tell them off without coming across as an asshole

i doubt it

Shaking hands is important

You cant trust anyone with a limp handshake

and i aint bowing to anyone


he thought he was getting away with it

>producing pilots for new shows that might not air.
lol there's a position for that?

You realize he only left temporarily to protect his name right?

They bought so much shit and will have no means to produce anything of value with it, what a fucking travesty Disney has turned into this century.

Was becoming the CEO again a part of his plan?

>buys fox
>only thing they do is bring it down with them

It's all a front, so they will no longer be forced to touch niggers during business situations..

They mean they won't even be shooting TV shows unless a season is confirmed. Get ready for a whole new level of uality.


I had a feeling this was going to happen. Not the virus ruining the Mouse's shit, but overextending themselves with buying FOX, cooking the books with Captain Marvel, and other shenanigans.

Honestly, I hope the Mouse crashes and burns. Everything ends and it's time for Walt's legacy to die as well.


I told you guys months ago that the ONLY thing keeping Disney afloat and paying for literally everything is the money they make on the theme parks. I said that once the theme parks stop profiting, the company would be fucked. None of you believed me or just laughed it off as if I was a retard because no way that would ever happen right? Well here we are, in a situation where the parks have been shut down for a month and expected to still be closed possibly through the entire summer season and now the company is panicking. They are bleeding money. Disney is finished and I called it last year that within the next decade they would be gone. They utterly deserved this for what they did to Star Wars. Good fucking riddance.

> Bought Fox
> Parks closed
> Star Wars lost more money than it made
> D+ isn’t as successful as they were expecting
Yikes, but don’t worry user, 3 Back to back Avatar movies, 1 MCU team-up and they’ll be back on top again :^)

i believe you, but do you have a chart that shows just how much each division makes?

he should start by cleaning house at lucasfilm, which he should have done years ago.

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what about a limp penos

>Shaking hands is important
>You cant trust anyone with a limp handshake

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not only did they destroy star wars, they destroyed marvel comics, and they haven't produced a 2d animated movie since 2009. it's such a soulless shell of it's former self, they deserve to go under.

Mom i did the thing xD

noodle armed faggot detected

>and more thermometers
What does it mean?

lol let this man have some rest

He's absolutely right. Every limp handshake I've ever had (from males) has been from someone I developed a distaste for. If you shake a hand, grasp it firmly. It's not a battle, just make sure your force is known.

>I'll mock a correct statement by attaching a meme image with no actual argument made against it
(You) & the Soijak posters are the worst thing to happen to this site

Unacceptable. Men must be fully erect 100% of the time. What do you think the random penis inspections are for?

>when the black guys at work still want to do their stupid gangsta handshake bullshit

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Disney was doomed to fail at some point. Its a trite expression but nothing lasts forever, no matter how hard to lobby the government to extend your copyright.



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My boy...I made Bob Iger

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